Friday, 6 September 2013

On Sunday I reported that my inability to open the garage door damaged my ability to go out for a ride. I have now discovered a new problem: sticky sheet syndrome. For some reason, my considerably better half who is away this week with her elderly Mother visiting the flesh pots of Weston Super Mare: no, I have never been, thought I was being rude when I mentioned this to her. SSS removes my ability to get up when an early morning ride has been planned: I am great at planning, crap at doing. As the said better half is away and as work is quite slow this week, morning rides were planned for Tuesday morning to the hospital for my check up: drove; Wednesday home from Shrewsbury as my boss was out of the office all day so wouldn’t be checking up on me: watched baseball all morning instead and this morning out to get some prawns and sliced beef for the cats breakfast….. they had fish in butter sauce and boiled chicken instead. Bit of a wasted week really. However, finally, finally, finally, I managed to drag myself out this evening for a reasonable 14 mile trip around the aptly named village of Ranton before it got dark. A couple of words of praise to drivers on the Woodsleeves to Great Bridgeford road who gave me so much room I wondered what was doing wrong! And a big boo to the morons who live in Derrington: it’s a fat bloke on a bike, get over it! Anyway, changed the sheets with the hope that tomorrow morning I will spring out of bed and head out for a ride…..oh, looks like rain….can’t go out in the rain as the bike will melt.

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