Monday, 31 August 2009

August Targets.... result.....

Well, I set myself the following as targets for August…

Road miles 250.miles ……………… Done 252.19 miles Achieved
Roller miles 40 miles.………………. Done. 40 miles Achieved
One 35 mile ride………………………………................................. Failed
1 000 foot climb………………………………..................................Failed
Average ride 22miles…………………Done 19.1.………………… Failed
Weight loss…29lb……………………Lost 29.8.…………………..Achieved

So…. 3 out of six achieved. Not going to put myself down for that as I am much stronger than I was at the start of the month and with a little luck and some better planning, I could have achieved what I set out to do.


Ruddy Hull! Its windy out there…!!! I have just checked and the wind is gusting up to 30mph with an average of 19.9mph!

Now normally I would wimp out and stay in but I needed to do another 9 miles or so to met my target for the month… bugger the broken chain a few weeks back as if that had stayed in tact, I would have made the distance without any bother: sigh.

Anyway, much against my better judgement but with the view in mind that if I didn’t go, I would waste all the effort I put in over the last week: remind me to do more road work over the month rather than just leaving it to the last week as I did this time. D’oh.

The route was quite basic really with the climb up Radford Bank thrown in for fun…if you can call it fun. At times it was difficult making headway against the wind; especially the “climb” out of town back from Tescos with yet more cat food.

My average speed, unsurprisingly was down a bit on what I have been achiving recently at 11.4mph.


The additional 10.7 miles makes a grand total of 252. 19 this month…target achieved… phew.

Sunday, 30 August 2009

Another record ride.

After a Saturday when I couldn’t get myself off the sofa: sigh, I found myself with two days to do 38 odd miles to make my target for the month…glup. I suppose I could do two 20 mile trips over today and Bank Holiday Monday???…lets see eh.

Well the morning started lovely and bright with blue skies…perfect cycling weather…well it was until I got my bike out, returned to feed the cats…. Got chased by one of our squirrels who wanted his breakfast nuts. Sigh. By now the sky had greyed over and the wind picked up to what seemed like gale force….actually, just checked and it was gusting to 18mph which really isn’t that strong.

Well, off I went with only half a plan in mind and no maps on board so if I did stray, I would have to have half an idea where I was going. Anyway, off the back way to Penkridge along a road they are re surfacing and then the back road toward Pottle Pool/Cannock Chase.

Now I haven’t been on this road for years and when I did use it previously, I used to come the other way…. The down hill way! I forgot how much of a climb it was… not massive but long and grinding. Thankfully, there was a down hill stretch to Sheepwash Lane. Now my plan was in the start to return home from this point but that would mean the ride was only about 20 miles and I felt okay, so I thought… well, not sure what I thought but soon after I was climbing the slight hill which killed the chain last week. Good news this time…the chain remained in whole and off I went, rather pleased, over the A5 and along past the disused canal and onto Straight Mile which is…er, straight. (not sure if it’s a mile long)

From there, I was still feeling okay so down the Old Stafford Road and onto Paradise Road….always makes me laugh that name as the road goes by the prison! Well a quick loop on the outskirts of Wolverhampton, a quick blast back along the Old Stafford Road and the A449, I found myself at Gailey.

Hummmm…choices, choices… I could just carry on using the cycle path along the A449 to Penkridge, or I could be adventurous and go a short way along the A5 and then use the back road to Penkridge…. That’s what I did…. The A5.…glup! (it wasn’t too busy thankfully!!!)

Re-tracing my pedal steps home from there saw me climb the railway bridge slop in my smallest gear (small front ring…not that hard yet) and then up the next bank on the road… well I was impressed!

So, overall, what was going to be about 20 miles, ended up as 31.98 miles…sigh… I wish I had gone around the block to make it 32 miles!!!… at an average of 12.5mph… pleased with that average over such a distance.

So…this months totals: 31.98 plus 210.39 = 242.37 leaving 7.63 tomorrow to reach the target.

Friday, 28 August 2009

A record ride.

Cold this morning when I woke at 5.30am and the sun hadn’t bothered rising above the yard arm (whatever one of those is!) but after two cups of tea and last nights left over home made pizza, I was ready for the road.

Now, after yesterdays 13 mile blast, I had decided to take it easy today and do around 20 miles. I needed to get back before 9am however as the weather forecaster (who, of course lie) said the weather was going to turn nasty with winds over 40mph and heavy rain…shudder.

The first few miles were okay but cold! I was taking sometime to warm up and was easily dropped by a thin chappy on a road bike going over the railway bridge on the way out of town. Oh, question, why, when I am doing 28 mph down hill does a shitty M reg ZX try to run me off the road? it’s a 30mph section so to pass me, you had to break the speed limit…fool.

Anyway, I turn down to Acton Trussell and find the road from there to Penkridge almost empty; which was nice. As I had warmed up nicely, things were now flowing and, much to my surprise and delight, I made it to Penkridge in a record time of 24 minutes. Good that as my average time is about 32 mins.

Okay, that’s quicker than yesterday, I thought…why not press myself to see what I can do 10 miles in, remembering that I did that distance in 48 minutes yesterday….well, hammer down (and empty roads with a lovely sun rise), brought the distance up in 46.32! I work at out as an average of around 13mph.

Feeling good now, the next five miles were done in 22 minutes (its down hill most of the way) taking the average up to 13.3mph, whilst the final 5 miles or so (including the climb back up the hill over the railway line) was completed in 25 minutes.

So, around 20 miles (my bike computer is about 5% out so the above speeds are give or take a small bit) in 1 hour 31 with an average speed of 13.2mph….. Pleased with that!

So, an official 19.79 miles to add to this months running total of 190.60 makes 210.39. “Only” 39.61 to do over the next three days…that has got to be possible…. (I think that’s 92 miles or so far this week alone!)

Oh, and its now 9am and….d’oh, it started raining.

Thursday, 27 August 2009


We have three cats which, strangely, seem to eat more food than could happily feed an army of normal moggies so it was no surprise when, just before bedtime last night (why does the wife leave it so late), I was informed that we needed some stuff for them. Sigh. Nevermind eh, a good excuse to go out for an early morning ride.

So, after waking at 6am and a quick breakfast, it was on with the lyrca (must by some more as the padding on those shorts is getting a bit thin) and off towards town. Now, the plan was to see how quick I could do 10 miles as I have this stupid idea of doing a Time Trail in October around Blemiem Palace. I checked; the slowest time last year for the 12 miles was some 1 hour 3 min…. hum…achievable perhaps although it would be nice if I could do it on my new bike…when ever that arrives.

What can I say? Well, I picked a reasonably flat route (347 feet of climbing) along the disused railway line towards the Army base, and then along the cycle path around the east of Stafford. I was pleased when I overtook someone on a hybrid (aged about 20) and quickly caught another bloke on a crappy MTB who had the good sense to turn off before I could add him to my now growing list of victims.

So, how did I do? 10 miles in 48 minutes at an average of 12.3mph. Well, pleased to have broken the 12 mph barrier and impressed that my speed would get me around the TT course in under an hour. I don’t want to check the TT times normally done by the boys and girls of Stafford Road Club….d’oh, just done it. Their times range from 24.51 to 33.47. So, I am only about 2/3rds as quick as the slowest person. One day perhaps…one day.

Anyway, off to Tescos to get the cat food on the way back……grrrrrrrr. It seems that Tescos has an electric field around it which completely buggered my bike computer losing all the data I had gathered during the ride. Grrrr.

Anyway, this is the route

So, another 13.12 miles making a total of 190.60 miles this month. Another 59.4 miles to do over the next 4 days…. I can do that…can’t I?????

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Cow poo and nice views.

The plan was to get home early from work and then head out for a couple of hours on the bike…good plan apart from the fact that a rain storm followed me north from South Staffs. I think we must have had about 5mm of rain in 30 minutes… not good cycling weather!
Anyway, a quick change of plan and lets have tea first before heading out between 6 and 8pm….so that’s what I did after printing off a map…which I promptly left on the printer! I did return for it (only got to the end of the road) only to find later that it was useless!

Well, the plan was to take the disused railway line to Gnosal and then do a quick lap around the country lanes there abouts…well on the way to the disused railway line, I OVERTOOK SOMEONE ON A BIKE!!!!! And then, a mile later on the track I over took someone else!!!! Two in one day!!!!!

I was however quickly brought back to earth a few miles later on where the path is crossed by a farm track. The barriers were up as the farmer was moving the cattle back into the fields meaning that I had to work around them…. Through a large amount of cow poo…. Not nice!

Well, to Gnosal and up Whalf Road…. A couple of months ago I used to love this road coming the other way as it was such a slope…. What slope? Climbing it was no bother! Once over the canal, the road does ramp up but I got to the top of the slope without stopping. I did stop at the top however as the road I wanted to take was shown as a dead end….as was the next street. Sigh. So not wanting to be cycling in the dark (its getting dark early now), I turned around and headed home.

Oh, one nice thing to say was from the top of the hill outside Gnosal I could see both the Wrekin and the tower on Cannock Chase. An impressive view.

So: 18.84 miles at an average of 11.4mph. A bit disappointed with the average but then I suppose about 4 miles of that was off road on a path which my bike really isn’t suitable for.
Total for the month: 177.48. To do 72.52 miles…..5 days left in the month… might make it with an epic ride over the weekend…weather permitting.

Monday, 24 August 2009

Weekend update

Strange weekend which started Friday lunchtime with a quick 5 mile blast on my rollers. Nice ride but what was that tink tink tink coming from behind??? No idea, but hey ho, lets go. No worries eh.

So that’s a total of 40 miles done on the rollers…. Target hit!!!!

Saturday morning is weigh in day and….drum roll…. I have made 28lb!!! Two stone of useless fat gone…. Four more stone to go.

To celebrate in the afternoon I had planned to do a 35 mile trip: no, not all at once but a 20 mile ride to Pennfield FC and then a 14 or so mile ride back. I haven’t done that far in a day since I was in my twenties… a long, long, long time ago…sigh.

Anyway, off I went making good progress and averaging over 12mph! Then it happened….I discovered what the tinking sound was when my chain broke. Sigh. I was here.

So, a nice nearly 10 mile walk home pushing a bike. It was one of those days when no other cyclists were about to offer help or to grin and laugh at my misfortune. Anyway, home and off to Halfords to buy a new chain which I fitted (after giving the drive chain a good cleaning) ready for my epic Sunday morning ride.

So, 127.36 miles done: 122.64 to do. Falling well behind my target! Need some serious road work tomorrow!!!

Sunday dawned…. Hello Dawn, you okay? So off I go for a ride…. Well, I got to the end of the road before I gave up and returned home….sigh, the new chain was jumping round so much that it was impossible to cycle. Soooo, off came the new chain and back on went a repaired old chain. Now, with a bit of reluctance I set off again this time with a plan only to go to Petsmart to get some flea tablets for the wife.

Well, worried about it happening again, I found myself not putting any pressure on the chain if I could avoid it by changing up and down early… I had broke the chain changing down on a steep hill but somehow found myself doing 20mph on the flat! Blimey, that was fun.

So, with the flea pills in hand, I decided to test the bike out some more and decided to try Radford Bank…. Its only 75 feet or so but I have avoided it for ages tending to go along the canal path instead. However, while it was a bit of a push, I made it to the top without stopping!!!! From there I headed to Acton Trussell and back into Stafford.

Now, the climb into Stafford over the railway line is around 60 foot and now not a bother so, lets try Barn Bank Road instead…. Now I haven’t even driven along Barn Bank Road so didn’t really have much of an idea of the route which turned out to be a 125 foot climb at 4%. Well, I made it to the top without stopping which really pleased me.

A very short ride really but 448 foot of climbing… that was good.

So, another 11.01 miles to add: So: 138.37 done. 111.63 to do.

Monday Monday here again….well I planned to get up early and go for a pre work ride and that’s what I did. It wasn’t a bad ride but the average speed of 11mph was a little disappointing, although on the plus side I did bomb up the Newport Road at an average of 14mph. Oh, the wife thought the road is flat!!!! No, dear, there is a 37 foot rise from one end to the other.

So, another 19.27 miles done, making a total of 158.64 leaving 91.36 to do. I have 7 days to make the total, meaning I better do 14 miles a day!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

More roller action....

Sigh...set my alarm clock to 6am with a real plan to go out and do a quick 2 hours cycling before work... but, I felt sleepy and went back to bed! Sadly, by the time I had finished working and had tea, it was too late to go out so off to the rollers again.

I think they are actually getting easier as I did a quick 7 miles. When I say quick, with breaks for water, removing the sweat and that sort of thing, they took less than an hour to do at an average of 11.4mph which is certainly quicker than when I started on them. Sooooo, totals

Done: 35 miles. To do 5.

Must get out on the road this weekend or I wont make my road target.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Roller action

Just a quick line or two to update my roller action: 7 miles at an average of 11mph! That’s the farthest I have done and the quickest average. The hardwork seems to be producing results.

Total distance done: 28 miles. To do: 12 miles.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Weekly round-up and Hyde Lea Bank

Didn’t get much time to go out much on my bike this week: mostly due to going to London/Ely on Tuesday/Wednesday and feeling rather tired on Saturday after going to Wembley to see the terminally dull U2. However, I did manage to do 3.2 miles to the station and back and some roller work…..

Some roller work I say…well 4 miles on Thursday, six miles on Friday and six miles yesterday (Saturday). I am finding it easier to balance and do feel that I get a good work out when using them, getting up to an average of 10.5mph. However, they are different from cycling on the road as you don’t get any rests from freewheeling and without a breeze blowing by you, it gets hot very quickly! Anyway, my total for the months on my rollers now is:

Done 21miles: to do 19 miles.

I guess that roller distances need to be multiplied by 1.8 meaning a six mile ride is worth about 10 miles on the road….. Well, that’s based on average speed over an hour.

I did manage to get out on the road this morning, despite not sleeping very well and I am glad I did as I CLIMBED HYDE LEA BANK without stopping!!!! Yes, yes, I know its only 120 foot or so with an average of around 4% but its still an epic climb in my book and something I have never managed before!

Well, full of happiness from doing that I went further than I planned and ended up on the outskirts of Wolverhampton (well, about a mile north of there) after heading along some scenic back roads: including one called Straight Mile which is… straight (not sure if it’s a mile long however). I did add a loop along the Old Stafford Road as I fancied the climb and headed on a road I had never been on before, before heading back to Penkridge on the back road… enjoyable if a little lumpy.

Now the last five miles back gives you a choice of three routes: I chose the middle difficult one to Acton. Well…. I could have overtaken another bike if I had wanted to as I caught a bloke on a hybrid quite quickly. Why didn’t I over take him? Well it was clear to me he was not making any effort as he was doing a lot of stretches as he peddled along in his lowest gear at 15mph (I was in my highest!!!). One day eh…one day!

Well the ride overall was 29.24 miles with a total of 782 foot of climbing. My average speed was better than recently at 11.7mph with a top speed of 55mph…… I doubt think so somehow!
Totals for the month then:

Done 117.60. To do: 132.40 (better get my finger out!)

Sunday, 9 August 2009

The football season starts

Don’t you just love the start of the football season…. Well, I do. Its normally warm, still light when the games finish and gets me out of the house for the afternoon while the wife cleans: she loves cleaning the house…. No, I really mean she loves cleaning. I suppose it must be something in her genes but I have never understood why when I look around there is nothing to put in the dishwasher, within three minutes she has filled it and its running again. Sigh. Poor thing must be knackered all the use it gets.

Sorry, digressed somewhat! Anyway, yesterday afternoon was the start of the football season, so what to do: where to go? In the end, I decided to head to Bilbrook FC to see them play against Wellington Amateurs: They were first and second last season so the match should be a good one I thought….well it was a tight match settled by one goal for the home side just before half time. However, the second half was one way traffic with the visitors throwing everything; including the kitchen sink, at the home sides keeper who was inspired. Oh, it did make me smile that the gates person thought it was impressive that I had cycled down from Stafford to see the game…well its not that far really.

The ride to the ground? Well, for some reason I felt crap going and really struggled with what should have been a straightforward run. I stopped quite a few times and never felt “right.” The route was somewhat boring as I bottled out of going anywhere interesting apart from the last bit when I took a Green Lane…. Which was more mud than a lane. Not really suitable for a road bike. I think it took me 90 minutes to do 14 miles which isn’t really that good!
Anyway, the trip back (after refilling at the ground with can of diet coke and a cheese roll) was much better and took about 70 minutes…well, the wife was cooking tea (between cleaning duties) and said it would be on the table for 6pm…. I arrived at 6.02pm sweating like a sweaty thing, only to discover she hadn’t even started it!

So, the route:

Total distance yesterday: 26.84 Total this month: 85.22 To do 164.78

Average speed….after a miserably slow trip down there, it was a disappointing 10mph.

Friday, 7 August 2009


Sigh, got lost on today’s cycle ride as it seems that the “road” from near the M6 to the A5 is in fact a track which I didn’t see as I “steamed” by!!!

So, why did I go out for a ride today? Well, I was bored; it was sunny (but not over warm) and I wanted to get my legs out….Yes, I went out in shorts for the first time ever!

The ride itself wasn’t too bad apart from the bit over the railway bridge heading towards the M6 when a lorry “tired” to push me off the road…actually he went around me well but swung his back end in quite close to me, forcing me almost into the kerb. Not nice.

Anyway, found a back way through Penkridge after going the long way thorough Dunston…. I wanted to get off the main road onto a quiet lane… and then onto the road which cuts down to the canal and then towards Cannock. The plan from there was to head back to the A5 before coming back to Gailey along that road and home….but, sigh, I didn’t know the road wasn’t a road.

Coming back was fine… got into top gear and cruised along at 18mph for a while….sadly still got chased and overtaken by a fit young man on a road bike…nevermind, that will be me one day! I did struggle over the last couple of miles but its quite a climb back from Dunston: I am getting better at climbing however but still not great at it.

Total distance today: 20.18 Total distance: 58.38. To do: 191.62

My average speed today was 11.4mph with a maximum speed of 29.4mph

The route:

Mont King Cod

Well, as it wasn’t raining for a change, I dragged myself out of bed and headed out for a cycle… I wasn’t really planning to go far as I was still tired from my effort on the rollers and once again, I hadn’t slept that well…sigh. So, why not try a quick climb up Mont King Cod….

There are a number of “hills” in the Stafford area which I try to avoid as, well lets be honest, I am crap at climbing hills! This one however is a right pain as its only 200 yards from me and the fact I avoids it, means I have to take quite a detour if I want to head north out of town…sigh.

So, off I set not thinking it would be possible but… I got it first time, without stopping and without “dying.” Okay…its only a climb of 70 foot with an average gradient of 3% BUT… I did it!

Here is the route thereafter.

Not a long ride: only 13.65 miles, but I achieved an average speed of 10.4 mph with a maximum of 32mph and did quite a bit on the road, which was nice.

Right, thats Mont King Cod “had” (there is a chip shop half way up of that name), next Radford Bank…. Hyde Lea Bank (glup) and finally… Berry Ring Bank (double glup!!!)

Targets: Road: Done 38.20. To do: 211.80
Rollers: Done 5.00 To do 35.00

I brought a bike....

And I like it.

Finally, after a considerable amount of faffing about not making my mind up, I finally decided to buy a bike, so on Tuesday I went and put a deposit on one of these:

Nice eh. With the cycle to work scheme it will “only” cost £390, which isnt bad really…. What is rather disappointing however is that I wont be getting it until the end of September….its still on a boat somewhere between here and the sweat shop it was built in. Well, that does give me 6 weeks to lose another stone I suppose.

Well, no ride action on Monday or Tuesday of this week as I felt a bit under the weather, but on Wednesday I did 5 miles on the rollers…the most I have done in one go, at an average speed of 10.1mph… I did touch 20.1mph at one stage: which was impressive!

So, target so far.... Road miles 24.55, Roller Miles 5 miles. Target for Road to do 225.34, Roller Miles (set myself 40 miles to do)... 35 miles to do.

Monday, 3 August 2009


Well, in July I set myself the target of doing 220 miles with at least one ride over 30 miles…well, I did that totalling 228 miles with the ride from Birmingham being 30.1 miles. My average ride (with the trips to the shops discounted) was 21.3 miles! That’s better than my target of 18 miles.
So…August? Well, how about 250 miles with an average of 22 miles and at least one trip over 35 miles and at least one other 30 mile plus. Oh, and 1 000 in climbs in at least one ride.

My weight loss now stands at 23.4lb… not bad. Perhaps 29lb off by the end of the month? That’s just over 1.5lb a week.

So far this month then:

Done: 24.55 miles. To do: 225.45

Things I think about while out riding.

Based on yesterdays ride.....

Up the bank at the end of our street....: “Oi Chav, that's a no entry sign!” followed by: “Hummm...that wasn't as difficult as it used to be.”

At the corner of West Way and Newport Road: “Oh look, the LBS car....he waived at me!!!!”

At the end of the Isobella Trail: “I wish had drunk more before I set off!!!!”

On the way up to Yartley.....: “Bugger! I hate long uphill slopes!”

On the way back down from Yartley: “Wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.”

Going over the bridges over the river and canal...: “Blimey...the roadie said hi!!!”

Climbing the hill away from the canal to the Police HQ..... “Bugger...I didn't realise it was that hard!”

On the road to Actton Trussell..... “Er, this is supposed to be down hill!!!!”

On the road to Penkridge: “Blimey, I must be averaging 15mph! This is easy!”

On the road back from Penkridge... “Oh look... the Stafford Road Club.... don't ride three abreast...oh come on moron drivers don't overtake into my lane: Can't you see me???!!!”

Climbing over the railway line and then up the last hill... “not bad! 3 gear! Granny, get down!!!”

Getting home: “that was EASY!”

Two hours later..... “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.”