Monday, 24 August 2009

Weekend update

Strange weekend which started Friday lunchtime with a quick 5 mile blast on my rollers. Nice ride but what was that tink tink tink coming from behind??? No idea, but hey ho, lets go. No worries eh.

So that’s a total of 40 miles done on the rollers…. Target hit!!!!

Saturday morning is weigh in day and….drum roll…. I have made 28lb!!! Two stone of useless fat gone…. Four more stone to go.

To celebrate in the afternoon I had planned to do a 35 mile trip: no, not all at once but a 20 mile ride to Pennfield FC and then a 14 or so mile ride back. I haven’t done that far in a day since I was in my twenties… a long, long, long time ago…sigh.

Anyway, off I went making good progress and averaging over 12mph! Then it happened….I discovered what the tinking sound was when my chain broke. Sigh. I was here.

So, a nice nearly 10 mile walk home pushing a bike. It was one of those days when no other cyclists were about to offer help or to grin and laugh at my misfortune. Anyway, home and off to Halfords to buy a new chain which I fitted (after giving the drive chain a good cleaning) ready for my epic Sunday morning ride.

So, 127.36 miles done: 122.64 to do. Falling well behind my target! Need some serious road work tomorrow!!!

Sunday dawned…. Hello Dawn, you okay? So off I go for a ride…. Well, I got to the end of the road before I gave up and returned home….sigh, the new chain was jumping round so much that it was impossible to cycle. Soooo, off came the new chain and back on went a repaired old chain. Now, with a bit of reluctance I set off again this time with a plan only to go to Petsmart to get some flea tablets for the wife.

Well, worried about it happening again, I found myself not putting any pressure on the chain if I could avoid it by changing up and down early… I had broke the chain changing down on a steep hill but somehow found myself doing 20mph on the flat! Blimey, that was fun.

So, with the flea pills in hand, I decided to test the bike out some more and decided to try Radford Bank…. Its only 75 feet or so but I have avoided it for ages tending to go along the canal path instead. However, while it was a bit of a push, I made it to the top without stopping!!!! From there I headed to Acton Trussell and back into Stafford.

Now, the climb into Stafford over the railway line is around 60 foot and now not a bother so, lets try Barn Bank Road instead…. Now I haven’t even driven along Barn Bank Road so didn’t really have much of an idea of the route which turned out to be a 125 foot climb at 4%. Well, I made it to the top without stopping which really pleased me.

A very short ride really but 448 foot of climbing… that was good.

So, another 11.01 miles to add: So: 138.37 done. 111.63 to do.

Monday Monday here again….well I planned to get up early and go for a pre work ride and that’s what I did. It wasn’t a bad ride but the average speed of 11mph was a little disappointing, although on the plus side I did bomb up the Newport Road at an average of 14mph. Oh, the wife thought the road is flat!!!! No, dear, there is a 37 foot rise from one end to the other.

So, another 19.27 miles done, making a total of 158.64 leaving 91.36 to do. I have 7 days to make the total, meaning I better do 14 miles a day!

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