Monday, 31 August 2009


Ruddy Hull! Its windy out there…!!! I have just checked and the wind is gusting up to 30mph with an average of 19.9mph!

Now normally I would wimp out and stay in but I needed to do another 9 miles or so to met my target for the month… bugger the broken chain a few weeks back as if that had stayed in tact, I would have made the distance without any bother: sigh.

Anyway, much against my better judgement but with the view in mind that if I didn’t go, I would waste all the effort I put in over the last week: remind me to do more road work over the month rather than just leaving it to the last week as I did this time. D’oh.

The route was quite basic really with the climb up Radford Bank thrown in for fun…if you can call it fun. At times it was difficult making headway against the wind; especially the “climb” out of town back from Tescos with yet more cat food.

My average speed, unsurprisingly was down a bit on what I have been achiving recently at 11.4mph.


The additional 10.7 miles makes a grand total of 252. 19 this month…target achieved… phew.

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