Sunday, 10 January 2010


Well, at last it wasn't freezing overnight (an impressive +1.4c) so at last I deemed it safe to go out for a ride....but for the first time ever I wore my helmet just in case I hit ice and came off. I didn't and whilst wearing a helmet wasnt that much of a problem, I still like the idea of the wind in my hair as I cycle.

The ride??? well it was fine although I didnt go that far as it started snowing so I turned back once I reached Penkridge. Oh, it was notiable that only two other cyclists were out and about.

The route:

Not sure of the average speed as I still haven't fitted the computer.

Distance covered: 16.22. Total for the month: 117.03 miles. To do this year. 3382.97

Height climbed: 414 feet.

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