Friday, 1 January 2010

My first ride of 2010

Was bleeping cold!!!! "Only" 16.9 miles but bleeping hull, I was frozen within 2.7 miles! I did MTFU a bit but with temps of -6.9c (with wind chill) it was always going to be a struggle.

On the positive side, I did the "climb" up to Brocton from Penkridge without any problems, something I have never said before. Perhaps, next week, I will go over the major hill from Brocton to Shuggborough Hall. I think I might be up for it.

The route:

Distance done: 16.9 miles. Total done this month: 16.9 To do this year: 3 483.1 miles

Average speed.... don't know. Not got a computer fitted to Boris yet.

Height climbed: 483 feet. Total for the month. 483 feet.

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