Sunday, 4 October 2009

Sept targets revisited.

Okay, time to look back at the targets I set for Sept....

Well, distance…. Over the last couple of months I have gone up from 228 miles in July to 252 miles in August so perhaps another 10% increase seems in order. Target 280 miles. Done 305. Achieved.

Average speed… not sure if I have done this one before but lets set myself a target of 13.5 miles an hour for rides over 20 miles, unless they are very hilly. Currently I am averaging 12.5mph. Target 13.5mph Did: 11.5...failed.

Rollers…. Here is one where I don’t think I will set a target. Why you may ask…well I think I spent too long on them last month meaning I had to cram a lot of road work into the last week. I did 40 miles last month; lets see what I can do this month. 10 miles.

Weight loss…… Lets see if I can lose another 7lb. I am 269lb at the moment. Target 7lb. Now. 263. Lost 6 Fail.

Hills….. another target I missed last month… Sigh. So, at least a couple of 1 000 plus rides this month please. Target 1 000 foot plus rides. One 1000 ride. Failed.

Length….well, I would like to do at least a couple of 35 mile plus rides. I seem to be able to do 32 miles without a bother, so this must be possible….please. Target 35 mile plus ride. Longest ride 31 miles. Failed.

Finally, the average distance… I would like this to be over 22 miles. I failed last month but let’s see what I can do. Target Average 22 miles. Average achieved. 23.5. Achieved.

So, didnt achieve many of the targets set. Sigh. I am pleased the avarge is up and that I made the distance target but I must start doing more hills (climbed a total of 8800 feet this month). I went out for 13 rides and used the rollers twice.

The rides:

2nd Sept

5th Sept

7th Sept

11th sept

12th Sept

13th Sept

15th Sept

17th Sept

20th Sept

22nd Sept

25th Sept

27th Sept

29th Sept

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