Sunday, 4 October 2009

Windy weekend!

Blimey, was it windy yesterday (3rd Oct)! With winds of up to 40mph I didnt head out for a long ride as planned...well I almost got blown off my bike when I went to the vets so instead I went on the rollers and did a record 10 miles in one go.

So, Rollers: 10 miles done. 40 miles to do.

The ride:

Distance: 2.74 To do: 247.26

Height Climbed: 116 feet.

Strangly when Sunday arrvied the weather was much better: dry if a little cold which gave me the chance to try out my new cycling jacket....blimey, it was warm: too warm after about 14 miles so I ended carrying it.

The ride itself was okay apart from the climb up to Portal Pool which was much harder than I remember (look for the large hill half way around the route). I went into Cannock along roads I used to use when I lived their, which was fun!

Managed the climb back into Hyde Lea reasonably well this time although was disappointed that the gears kept jumping. Will have to have that looked at.

Anyway, the route:

Distance: 25.82. Total 28.57

Height climbed: 804 Total: 920

Average speed. 11.7mph

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