Thursday, 31 December 2009

2009 Totals

Okay, this year I have cycled a grand total of 1 884 miles (both on the road and on the rollers) and lost 48.8lb.

Not bad really. I would have liked 2 000 miles and 50lb but I can not have everything you know.

Oh, my average speed is now around 12.8mph..just a push and I will get above 14mph.

So, what do I think about the year? Well, when you consider how unfit I was earlier in the year, I am pleased that I can do a 25 to 30 mile ride without problems. Now, lets build on that with some epic rides in 2010. see you next year eh.

Last ride of the year.....

Well hi there! Not posted for 11 days which, as we had a holiday to Scotland booked, isn't surprising..... until you hear that due to the heavy snow and very cold weather, we didn't make it to our holiday cottage stopping in Kinross and turning back.

Sooooo, we (the current wife and I) had to spend the holiday period at home :-(

So, did I do any riding over the Xmas break? Well yes, to a degree:

It was very icy out there, resutling in a fall on the said ice down Sheepwash Lane....just after I had warned a cyclist about ice on the road!!!!

Today I headed out on the new bike (Boris the Boardman) which arrived yesterday. I spent time setting it up but have discovered the front brake catches and the gears need indexing. Oh, the right hand crank was also lose when it arrived!!!! Grrrrrrr

Boris works well and is quite quick: the gearing made the main hill quite easy...actually, very easy. Perhaps on Saturday I will cycle to Newport and back along the disused railway line just to knock up a 35 mile ride??? Lets see what the weather is like....cold no doubt.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Not much to report.....

Its been cold so my trips out have been only to the gym and back....blimey its cold in there!!!! So much so, I could only do 3 miles yesterday (Saturday) before giving up; whilst today I did 5.1miles with the heater on making a total of 8.1 miles for the much for my making 2000 miles this year....or indeed making 1900 miles! I might struggle to 1850 given that I am away now until the last day of the year and can't take my bike with me. Sob.

What else....oh, brought a Boardman.

What else.... sorry....yes, I brought a Boardman. No, not a new one (want to keep my bits) but a second had one which, according to the seller, had only been used twice....both times the person concerned fell off!!!! The item has a few scatches but nothing major and certainly worth it, with a list price of £499.... I got it for £215. As happens with all bikes, I have also brought a Boardman computer (£17.99 from Ebay) and have my eye on a new saddle....the seller had replaced the Ritchy one with some Halfords crap and then threw the Ritchy one away!!!! Berk.

Anyway, that should be with me next week....needs lights and a new lock for it (oh brought some spuds for it....don't tell Sharon as this has cost me over £300 now!!!).... so I will give you a report after my first trip out on it. I think I will head along the old railway line....brings back memories of when I first took up riding again in Jan 2007.... I remember riding along the disused railway line through puddles a foot deep.... I wonder who had the old MTB after I recycled it???

So, that's the news for today. As I said, not much to report.

Rollers Total 69.21 miles

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Please forgive me....

But I haven't posted for a week.....(I am talking to myself I know but hey ho, it doesn't cost anything to be polite does it).

Sorry about not posting but, er, I haven't really got an excuse....its not like I have been Xmas shopping (did the little I have to do on line) or that I have been too busy (not been).... I guess its down to laziness. That, I suppose, is me all over.

Well after my epic trip to London at the end of last week, I headed out for a ride last Saturday...not that I really wanted to. It was cold, I was tired and her in doors was moaning. Anyway, this is the route....

As you can see, this ride included the "epic" Hyde Lea Bank. Well, I must be improving as I did it in one go and overall, managed an average speed of 12.8mph. That's an improvement when you consider the slow rate at which I climb!

The following day (Sunday) also included a lunchtime ride.... it was cold and I didn't really want to go out but forced myself to. I gave myself two hours to do as many miles as I could...

As you can see, the route is flat-ish with no real major climbs (although the last one back into Stafford still is a killer!!!!) so why did I come back with a huge smile on my face....could it be the average speed....13.4mph???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, the fastest I have done a 20mile plus ride.

Monday and Tuesday came and sadly I couldn't face the bike (well I actually had to work on Tuesday) and by Wednesday the weather had taken a turn for the worse so it was really cold. I could not face hitting the road with temps of around 2c. Roller time then!

The first ride at lunchtime achieved a reasonable 6.19 miles at 13.1 mph. I decided to try to pace myself by going reasonably slowly at first and then build up to around 15mph. That seemed to work as I didnt zonk out after a few minutes. In the evening, I went for another ride managing 8.18miles at an average of 13.0mph over 42 mins. So, my total for the day was a reasonable 14.37 miles.

Well, again today its freezing today so I hit the rollers first thing....hummmmm.... not impressed by the lack of power in my legs. So much so that after 27 mins I had only managed 4 miles at an average of 10.8mph!!!! Terrible. After a short rest, I set off for the doctors to collect a, er, wee pot and for the 1.5 miles averaged only 8.7mph!!!! I think the cold effects me badly!

So after that start, what could I do at lunchtime....well MTFU of, not really. I did another five miles over the 30 mins making 9 roller miles for the day. Sigh

Totals then

Road: Done in total 123.30. Height climbed: 1600 feet.

Rollers: Done in total: 61.13 miles

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Post number 100....

This is the 100th post I have, er, posted since I started cycling again full time in May.. that's about two posts every three days or so. Sorry.

Anything to report....well managed to head out for a quick blast over lunch: well I needed to go to town to get some train tickets and thus, took the oppotunity to head for a quick ride as well. Oh, quick question, why did the silly women in the crap Nissan decide she needed to overtake me just before turning left? No sense moron.

The new tyre on the bike seemed to hold up well (its not actually a new tyre) and indeed, it seemed to be quicker than the old tyre. So much so that no one on the road (on a bike of course) could stand my QUAD POWER and were sent to dust as I flew past.... There are some crap BSO's out there which wobble along at 5 mph. I could not stand to go that slow. In fact, I don't think I could go that slow if I tried!!!!

Blimey.... what a snob I have become. I need to remember that while I am quicker than the "average" BSO rider, up against the fit young men in lyrca ( young men in lyrca....) I am sssssslllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, with a capital S. Nevermind, a few more months and a couple more stone lost and I will be up there with them (Hummmm... not sure about that but it would be nice to get to a stage where I average 14mph or more per ride).

Back to the ride.... nothing much to report apart from that really. The route is below:

So that's 14.31 miles making a total of 75.01 this month.

Height climbed: 387 feet making a total of 1946 for this month.

Average speed. 12.8mph (getting better)

Monday, 7 December 2009

Carter USM

Are currently playing extremely loudly in my ears.... Not out no no no no, that would be stupid! Anyone who listens to music, makes phone calls or generally doesnt hear what's going on around them is a moron IMHO.

So, what I hear you say has this got to do with cycling...well earlier on the rollers it was HMHB time.... that got me through 6 miles at 13.1mph is a reasonably good mood. Then, at lunchtime it was time for Radio 5 Live with a phone in on Global Warming.... now it really irritates me that there are some people out there who wont admit its happening. Bit like those people who said that the Nazi's didn't gas people in by books. Well, I managed to do the regulation 6 miles at 13.7mph whilst shouting at some of them. I wonder what will be my entertainment later when I do the final 7 or so miles to reach todays target???? Tune in later and find out.

Later the same day..... The noise I heard when cycling this time......hhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Sigh, I got a pu*****re on the rollers!!!! Yes, the PF paid me a visit after 4.6 miles. Grrrr. I guess the tyre got hot and the spilt it has in it caused the inner tube to expland too much. As I didnt want to buy any new tyres, I simply took one off the BSO.

Overall then: Distance done today 16.4miles. Total for the month: 37.76 miles

Sunday, 6 December 2009

The Fence...

No, not a dodgy bloke buying stolen goods, but three 6x6 foot panels which my current wife insists we spent the morning installing.... now normally removing some cold 3x6 foot ones and slotting in the larger versions would not take any time.... well that was the plan. However, the moron who put them in in the first place managed to put the uprights in half an inch too close! What a total pain it was trying to get the panel in a space which was half an inch too small for it!!!

Anyway, that over, I thought about going for a ride but instead: after cleaning the cow poo off the bike, I decided to go for a sleep. Sigh.... By the time I woke, it was getting dark so my exercise today was restricted to half an hour on the rollers at 12.7mph. Oh, 5 miles done.

Moving on, I have 271 miles to do to make it to 2000 miles this year (well since May). That works out (if you take the days out when I am in London or on Holiday) to be 19 miles a day....every day. Impossible I know but then, the impossible I do most mornings before breakfast!

Rollers done this month: 21.36 miles.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Yartley Bank revisited.....

for some reason, it wont let me post a link....which is disappointing

So I wrote it in....was it worth it? Well I thought so as, as rides go, it wasnt a bad one apart from the wetness of the roads; cow poo and the need to get home before the rain started...yes, it was dry when I sent out!!!!

So what was today's riding plan then...well, it was to climb the hill up to Midwich, a hill which I have never managed as I need to stop about 50m from the top as the hill ramps up to about least. Did I make it.... no, as I didn't actually try....why not I can hear you say (hearing voices again.... they will lock me up if "they" find out!), because the "main" road towards Midwich was closed meaning that all the traffic took the back road I was planning to use. Don't fancy struggling up a hill at 10mph with cars of all shapes and sizes buzzing me. Nevermind eh, I will try again in a couple of weeks.

Instead, I did a silly tour down to Weston (no, didn't try to climb Weston Bank.... now that's a hill!) and then over to Stone Hockey Club and up Yartley Bank....

I can hear you shaking with fear at the mention of Yartley Bank.... (nurse, he is hearing things again!!!) well, actually its not that hard anymore. I didn't even use Granny, although I did go into the lowest front ring. Can't say I was breathless at the top of the hill, which is nice.

So, does that mean I am getting fitter???? I suppose it must but then again, the average speed of 11.7mph isnt that good.... thinking about it, there were a couple of spots where I was just freewheeling along at walking pace.... mostly past people walking dogs. I would run the little buggers over but it would take ages to clear the blood off the frame!

Moving on, I am trying to talk the current wife into letting me buy a new bike...why on earth do I need one...well, I wanted a Boardman Hybrid but at £500, they are out of my price range. Instead, I have found a Kona Dew Plus for about half that. What can it do that my Specialized can't???..... well it has disc brakes so should be better in the wet and can be used off road to a degree. Its descriped as a fast hybrid...and sounds idea.

Talking about buying stuff, I have brought myself some overshoes to keep my feet warm (they almost froze the other day!) and some new winter gloves (ditto my hands!). Just to upset the neighbours (oh, the twat at number 4 almost backed into me yesterday lunchtime not looking when he pulled off his drive....that sounds a bit rude!). I have also brought a balaclava (sp?).... I'll look like a mugger with it on!

So, lets do the stats from today then: 24.71 miles. Todate: 60.70

Height Climbed: 704 feet. Total: 1561

Average speed... unimpressive 11.7mph.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Rain...what's that??????

Well, well, long last a day without rain, so what better to do than go out for a quick ride at lunchtime.

Okay, so there wasnt any rain or wind, but blimey was it cold out there! I think my feet were going to drop off with the cold and when I got back and stripped off to change (don't try to visualise that what ever you do. It could turn you blind!) every part of my body was cold to the touch. I guess I need better winter clothing!

Anyway the ride itself was quite good apart from the "climb" back towards Stafford which I never have been very good at. I sent myself the challenge of getting back before 14.30 and guess what, I managed it by 2 mins.

The route:

Distance: 17.69. Done this month todate: 35.99miles

Height climbed: 438 feet. Total to date: 857 feet

Average speed 12.2mph (could do better)

On another subject.... I weighed myself this morning...251.8lb.... that's 17 stone 13.8lb!!!!! Wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Pleased about that!

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Rain, rollers, rollers, rain....

Sigh. Yet another day when the forecast is for rain, rain and a little more rain. Sigh. I might have my DNA changed so I become a duck and then will love the rain.... hum, a duck on a bike... I have heard of a bird on a bike but never a duck (although, agreed a duck is a bird so I am going no where with this am I?)

So what do I I watch the BBC Breakfast article on cycling again, or do I ignore it as, to be honest, its nothing I haven't heard 100 times before. It seems that all cyclists jump red lights; go the wrong way down one way streets and never have any lights on their bikes..... er, I never do the first two and I have some 1 watt lights on my bike so I should be "see-able" from a 100 yards away! Nothing about twats in cars left hooking cyclists and being in such a hurry that they can't wait 2 seconds to get past a cyclist. There is little worse than some twat cutting you up, only to have to stop 50 yards away at a stop line or traffic lights. Get a life....actually, this turned into a rant didn't it!

Anyway, back to the rain. Well, the need for exercise grabbed me this morning so off I went on my rollers...when I say off I do mean off as I didn't balance the back wheel properly and rolled backwards off the rollers whilst clipped in.... well I laughed after I managed to unclip and remove the seat from my soft bits....ouch.

I didn't really have any target in mind for the "ride" but did find it hard to get warmed up so the first two miles were a struggle but I managed 5 miles in the standard 30 mins (actually, just checked, it was 33mins). The average was a bit slow at 12.7mph but then, as I said I didnt really push myself.

Later the same day.....well the rain has gone but the wind has increased so instead of hitting the road, I went back into the gym and hit the rollers again.

I managed a bit better this time making a total distance of 5.81 miles in 30 mins with an average speed of 14.1mph. I topped out at 20.2mph......

And again later the same day...well after an afternoon at looking on line at cheap hybrids, I did another half an hour on the bike while the current wife was cooking a lethal curry for tea. Didn't feel quite a good at 5pm as I did at lunch time so only managed 5.5miles at an average of 13.5mph.

Today then: 5.00 + 5.81 + 5.50 = 16.31 miles..... Total for the month...16.31.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Bell End.

It seems I am a "bell end." Whatever one of those is.

To explain...after a pretty busy morning, I received an email from my line manager saying he had had to go home so taking a chance, I headed out for a quick 20 miles or so as....are you sitting didn't look like rain and the wind had dropped!!!!

So, off I went and an impressive 22 mins later I was in Penkridge! That's one of the fastest times I had done for that trip. I don't think it was anything to do with the fact that the current wife and the monster in ....sorry Mother in Law were going to Penkridge Market today and I wanted to beat them there??? Well, not sure if I beat them there, but an average of 13.3mph was achieved. Pleased about that!

As you know, Dear Reader (as if anyone reads this rubbish!) there is a backroad I like from Penkridge towards Cannock Hockey Club. Well off that way I went today only to find the roads to Heatherton closed. Not sure why but it ruined the distance I was planning to do. Nevermind eh, I got some nice speed up on the way back to Penkridge...well it is slightly downhill for a mile or so.

On the way back, instead of going via the quiet back roads, I tend to go via the chav streets of Penkridge and then along the semi main road to Acton Trussell.... that's when it happened and I became a "bell end."

It seems, you see, that when a chavet in her crap 51 reg lump of rust pulls out on me when I am less than 5 yards from her doing 15mph, I am not supposed to wag my finger at her and shake my no no... Bad Man. I mean, I should just let the chavet: whose car is worth less than my cycling shoes, own the road. After all, she more than like might have insurance and perhaps even pays her VED.... perhaps. seems I upset the poor chavet so she turned around and next thing I know I have the chavets latest slag hanging out the window asking me if I have a problem. I must admit I did laugh at them and came out with the priceless line..: "Sorry, I didn't realise I was stopping you from getting to the Job Centre to sign on.".....well I would have done so if I had thought of it at time, rather than half an hour later. No, all I said was my own problem was with him, as he was so funny. Well, I suppose he could have stopped the car and looked to see if I was hard enough to follow it that would have been stupid as I would have d locked the twat...but as he had less balls than our three cats (none of which have all balls) they drove off. Twat.

The rest of the ride back was uneventful, although I did get up the last hill into town without much of a struggle... I am improving on that hill thankfully.

Distance done: 18.36 miles.

Height climbed: 419 feet.

Average speed. 13.2mph (pleased about that!)

Happily, I was back at my desk before anyone had noticed I was out!!!

Oh... a slight downer on what was an enjoyable ride (despite being a Bell End) is that my right knee is now hurting quite badly. Nevermind eh.

December Targets

I mean, is it really worth me trying to set any??? I don't have a hope in hull of making them as I haven't done so since I started writing this blog. Sigh.

Okay... lets try.

Distance:....well I have 361 miles to do to make 2000 this year (well at least from May) so I would like to do that.... my chances of doing so are very slim given that I am away for 9 days over Xmas and have been told in no uncertain terms that I am not taking my bike with me AND I wont be allowed to hire one when I am there.

Weight loss.. well I am now 254lb. A three pound loss would take me into the 17 stone something bracket, whilst 6lb or so would mean I have lost 50lb this year...shirley (and don't call me Surely) I can make one of those???

Height climbed....yes please. Some climbing would be nice...just some.

Not holding out great hopes for this month...just dont want to lose any fitness.

November Targets revisited.

One word. Failed.

Nothing more to see here...failed the lot of them, not helped by some crap weather and a sore knee or two at the start of the month.

Disappointed yes; surprised, no.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Glad when November is out!!!!!

Yep, I will be glad when this (add swear words) month is out as its been nothing but horrible to me. What with a bad knee to start and then rain...more rain...a bit of wind...rain and wind...wind and rain and for good measure, wind and rain. Sigh. Oh, and its now dark until 7.59am and dark again at 3.30pm!!! Grrrr.

Anyway, trying not to rant too much but it was quite nice on Saturday morning so off for a ride I went along a route I had used a couple of times la la la la la la ...... no problems until.....hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss (that's with a "H" just in case you thought otherwise).... I get a visit from that little bugger the puc***ure fairy! Sigh. I will pull her wings off and make her eat them if she visits me again!!!! I get home, go to fix it but I don't have any spare innertubes or patches!!!!

One trip to Halfords and a quick grovel to her in doors, off I went later in the afternoon for another ride. Well I had this silly idea to do 80 miles plus this weekend (including Monday).

This ride was fine apart from the fact that it was bleeping cold out there and I managed to get lost...just as it started to drizzle. Sigh. On a positive note, the traffic was very light and I climbed a major long slope back into Stafford from Bradley without even reasiling that what I was doing. Please about that as its always been a bit of a pain that hill.

Sunday sunday here again.... and the weather forecast said heavy rain around lunch time with some light rain before up and out at 7.45am just as it got light. That should give me a couple of hours without any I thought.

Now the current wife has a saying that you should never believe the weather forecast... I, of course, disagree and say that weather forecasters all have good degrees and have some of the best computers in the world....of course their forecasts are accurate and can be trusted. No put a coat on if they say sunny for me!!!!

Of course, I get a mile from town and it starts to rain.... only lightly. Nevermind eh, I will "man up" and head on further....half a mile later I am wet to the skin as the heaven opened and down came more cats and dogs than the local dogs home sees in a hundred years!!!!

Indeed, it got so wet that I had to pull over and stand in a bus shelter for 15 mins whilst the worse of it blew over. I finally got home half an hour later cold, wet and miserable.

Nevermind eh, it was going to rain all day so at least I tried to go for a ride...... oh, actually, apart from that bit of rain, we had a clear dry day! So why didn't I go out for a ride later....I had to paint the fence. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................... sigh.

So, its Monday and my boss is off, that must mean a ride today??!!! Well actually yes as I have to go to the Halifax to close by second bank account. Its an account which I haven't used for years and to be honest, as "they" are going to start charging £1 a day if you go overdrawn, I thought it would be best to get rid of it. Seems I wasnt the only one to think so as there were two other people in the queue wanting to do so! Oh, talking about queues in banks (banks used to be really good back in the 80's... I used to go into one in the City of London to see this vision of loveliness...) why have a bank with three windows and then staff two of them with trainees??? Seem to me better to put one trainee on; especially when they were busy.

One half an hour wait in the bank later, I had cooled right down so decided not to bother going much further; especially as it was really cold out there and the sun was really low in the sky making visability really difficult.

So, not really a good weekend cycling wise. The total for the four rides are as follows:

Total 36.52 Months total 125.93 (terrible!!!)

Height climbed 1159 Months total 3899 (really terrible!!!!!)

The longest ride was 21.45 miles long with a climb of 691 feet. My average speed was 12mph.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Later the same day...still raining

Yes, its still raining and windy so, as I seem to have my mojo back (or am enjoying the feel of muscles in my legs...something I havent had for years!) I hit the rollers this morning for a quick half an hour blast.

Nothing much to report from it as, well its just cycling on the spot (oh...did come backwards off them when getting off which is funny!) but over half an hour I did 6.34 miles at an average of 14.3mph.

.....yet later the same day..... okay, had a jacket potato for lunch and the current wife has just made some fresh bread so I can see me snacking all I headed out for another ride at lunchtime. This time on 20mins as work gets in the way of a good ride. This time I did 4.38 miles at 14.7mph. I feel quite warm and strangely happy.

Overall today 10.72 miles.

....even later.....well just done another 4.03 miles at 13.9mph in 20 mins...well wanted to work off the home made (by me) pizza for tea.

Overall today then....14.75 miles...shame I didnt make it to 4.28 as that would have been a nice round 15 miles. Oh, wind out there now is blowing at a steady 25mph!

Total for the month 49.56

Still raining and windy.

Won't this winter ever end (note to self...its only November!!!)

So, once again it was too crappy to go out on the bike...well winds of over 20mph doesnt make cycling fun: oh, "they" had a tornado in Derby yesterday...did £1 000 worth of improvements.

Anyway, all I could manage was half an hour on the rollers during which I covered an unimpressive 5.61 miles at an average of 13.7mph. Nothing really to write home about.

Oh, and for some reason, the "Fat Boy" event in Manchester this weekend has been cancelled.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Local myth...

Tales are told around here of a strange object once seen in the sky above Stafford.... the old folks say that its yellow and gives out heat and light... other mad people say that it rises in the east and sets in the west and that there is something called nice weather. Of course I do not believe a word of it as the sky has been grey and raining with heavy wind for the last few days.

These tales of something called the Sun are of course totally crap. There is no such thing, just rain and miserable cyclists (well okay, this one is miserable. The rest I saw out there seemed to be enjoying themselves!)

So, as you can tell from my rather crap opening to this post, its been raining most of the weekend which, as I hate cycling in the rain, cut back the amount of road work I did.

Rewinding to yesterday then....well it was like cycling through a cloud most of the 21 miles I did to Stone Hockey Club and back.... wet but not not really raining. And don't talk to me about wind but blimey, at times it was like cycling through glue!!!

The route:

So: 21.08 miles done.

Height climbed: 541 feet

Average speed: A terrible 11.4mph.... I blame the wind!

Today (sunday)...well it was a real struggle to go out as once again it was glowing a gale but dry.... I decided to MTFU (either that, or go down to the skip for her in doors....I would rather not) and go out for a ride. So, off I went knowing that I only had a couple of hours before the weather guessers said it was going to rain. Hummmmm....lets try Hyde Lea bank.... not a good idea as I am never that "warm" when I hit it but thankfully I managed to get to the top without stopping (its about 140 foot climb at around 5%....not over impressive in the scale of things but still a bit of an effort when you weight over 18 stone!). The rest of the ride to Penkridge was okay, if a bit windy on... Windy Ridge! Surprising that eh!.

Well once in Penkridge the sky darkened even more and the rain started..... hang on, its not supposed to start raining until 12noon...the BBC said so. So I have two choices... I can either man up and carry on to Cannock Hockey Club (strange how hockey clubs are my destinations!) or turn back....yep I turned back.

Not a nice ride back in the rain but at least the wind was in my favour and not in my face as it was when I was heading south. Overall, I did not enjoy the ride and at 13 miles, it was really rather short.

The route:

Distance: 13.41. Total for the month. 89.41

Average speed: 11.8mph (poo but then, I can only manage Hyde Lea bank at 6mph and the wind, the wind!!!)

Height climbed: 418. Total for the month 2470.

Looks like I will completely miss this months targets.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Something different.....

Well, its still blowing a gale out there (Lucky Gail) so really didn't fancy riding on the road....too many trees dropping stuff to run over or to be hit by, so should I go on the rollers again, or try something different...

Yep, as you can tell from the title of this post, I did something different and went on my treadmill.

Yes, you remember the treadmill.... I was really impressed when I got it when I managed to do a mile in just over 12 minutes.... until I realised that the machine reads in Km not miles, so 1Km in 12 mins works out at around 3mph.... not impressive. Sigh. So....could I improve on that today???

Well off came the shirt and out came the shorts and off I padded like...well like a fat bloke on a treadmill really. I didn't really have much idea what I was planning to do but noted that the first km came up in just over 13 mins and the next in around 26.... the machine takes ages to scan over between measurements so I can never be that sure. After 30 minutes I felt I had done enough and stopped for the afternoon after just over 2.2km (I say just over as the machine had been reading that for two scans. Its likely it was closer to 2.3km but I can't prove that. Working it out, 2.2km in 30 mins works out as being 2.64mph which really isn't that impressive. I suppose I can say that the machine is set on a slope so I am walking up hill...perhaps I should work out how much of a slope so I can work out how much "climbing" I have done??)

So, how do I feel? Well, I was nice and warm and to be honest, a bit smelly. Do I think I will get to like the treadmill....don't really think so. The view is crap.

Later....the same day......

Come the end of the day I have two choices.... I can watch Eggheads or can do some more walking. Strangely, I decided walking would be better for me fitness wise.

So, off I went for another 30 min slog up "hill" and 29.40 seconds later, Sharon arrvied home just in time to see me pant to a stop! No wonder why I was sweating buckets but I managed to do 2.5 km in the 30 mins set aside...around 10% more than at lunchtime. And.... I broke the 3mph barrier!!!!

So today then: 4.7km in an hour. Overall average speed of 2.82mph!

Thursday, 19 November 2009

An experiment....

So.... what am I going to do???? Well, just watched the X files so could try to find an ET to cut up, or something like that.... but sadly no beam of light have arrived today to take me away to be probed... sadly.

Anyway, I have decided to see how many rides I can do today on the rollers and how far I can do..... if the first ride this morning is anything to go by.... the answer will be not far and not many...sigh again.

So, so far today:


3.4 miles in 20 mins at an average speed of 14.1mph. That means I stopped quite often to get my breath back. Perhaps I need to cycle slower so I don't need so many stops?

12.50 update.

Well tried to stick to a reasonable average speed rather than "blasting off" and dying a few yards later with this ride. I had planned to stay between 14.0 and 14.9 mph but managed for a couple of miles to keep that above 15mph. And yes, it did seem to result in me being less breathless and needing less stops.

I managed to achieve 4.2 miles in 20 mins with an average speed of 14.9mph. So... I went slower to go faster...!

4pm update....

Well, what I learned earlier was soon forgotten as off I went far too fast, only to stop to listen to the bloke from the Irish FA say that last nights match against France should be that's going to happen. In fact, if it happens, I go out naked on my next ride..... and you don't want to see that!!!

Anyway, back on topic, I managed slightly less than last time at 4.15 miles with an average speed of 14.7mph.

5pm update....

As I couldn't be bothered to go back into the house: the rollers are in the garage, due to the amount of "air freshner" the current wife had been using (please don't get me started on that stuff!) I decided to do another "run" before tea...... hummmmm, bit of a mistake as I had very little left in the "tank." Sigh.

Having said that, I managed more "miles" than my first ride this morning at 3.74 miles at an average speed of 14mph.....oh, that's slightly slower than before!!! I must therefore have cycled at a steader pace with less stops. Not sure about that. Well, the current wife is cooking tea so better go and eat that. Wish me luck.

9pm update....

Still alive after was okay although she never cooks the onions enough for my liking and the potatoes were over wet.

So, did I go out to and do some more cycling...did I heck as like. Sorry, but I feel too tired this evening so that's it.

Total distance done...not sure. Will add it up in a second or so (added it up...15.5miles).

Was it worth it? Not sure... but someday I will look back on this and think...hummmm, I was really crap then wasnt I.

So, 15.5miles done. Total 29.5miles.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Back on the rollers again.

Bleeping hull, I am crap at titles!!!!

I don't suppose I could convience you that this post is about an epic 100 miles ride I did before breakfast, backward....without my seat being in place....on one wheel. Well, that's what I did......

Okay, perhaps I didn't! What I did do is go "ouch" at 4am when I got a nasty case of cramp in my left calf. I have had the resulting pain all day...sigh.

Anyway (a word I use far too often), I decided that I do need to MTFU a bit and went for a ride on my rollers....why not use the road you may ask? Have you seen the weather out there? We had rain for most of the day with winds over 40mph!

So, what did I do I can hear you say (hearing voices again.... I know they aren't really but they have such good ideas......)? Well at lunch time I did 4.3 miles at an average of 13.4mph. Hummmm. It didnt feel that good; whilst this evening after a curry I did another 5.71 miles in 30 minutes at an average of 14.2mph.

So, 10 miles done which when added to the 4 miles I had done previously this month, makes a grand total of 14miles. It looks like the rollers will get more action over the next few days as, to be honest, the weather looks really, really, really crap.

Finally, good news. I brought a cycling hi viz jacket in May which I could not get into. Well, I put it on today and it fits (almost). Well, I can do it up now without breathing in. Perhaps I might try it on the bike one day soon.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Back on my bike 3....

Well, not been a very good boy this month as its been 8 days since my last ride..... yes, that is bad. Its not as if I haven't had time... there have been a few times I could have gone out or on the rollers, but, sigh, I just lost my mojo for a bit, what with the evenings creaping in and the mornings not getting light until 7.30am or so.

I suppose I could also put up that I have been away for at least 4 days in this period and the fact that its been raining cats and dogs most days. But come on, admit it, I have been lazy and need to MTFU and get out there!!!

So that's what I did today despite the fact that the wind was gusting to 30mph and the roads were wet and and and and and.... and I got on the scales this morning and discovered I had put on a pound!!!! Sigh.

Anyway, off I went and blimey, it hurt for the first three or four miles as, well I didnt warm up sufficiently and I was trying to ride into the wind. Indeed, at the end of School Road I was almost ready to turn around and come home. Thankfully, I MTFU a little and carried on to Penkridge.

Now the road the other side of Penkridge is one of my favourites as it has very few cars on it...indeed I only saw 6 in the 40 mins I was riding around there. Oh, I did laugh when I went over the humpback bridge only to find a road roller coming the other way. Now, do I take "primary" or do I pull over and let it by?????

I did the loop towards Cannock and then back home along the Old Penkridge Road. (averaged about 15mph along there!!!) was starting to get dark and school run mums (the second worse drivers in the world) were about, so I stopped to put my lights on. Thankfully, no one tried to pull out on me, so the ride home was without incident.

Well, my knee currently feels fine (although my soft bits are a little sore) and generally I am pleased I didnt turn back after 4 miles.

The route:

Distance: 24.33. Total distance 53.66. To do...loads.

Height climbed: 572 feet.

Average speed 12.3mph.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Back on the bike 2

Well, after a weeks rest, I finally decided to try my knees out so did a slowish 3 miles on the rollers on Friday. It felt fine and didn't cause any real lets go for a reasonable ride on Saturday eh....

Okay, that was the plan but somehow the current wife got in the way and decided I had DIY to do instead. Sigh. By the time I had finished my tasks for the day, it was getting dark so I missed out.

Sunday came....bleeping cold it was but out I went. I had decided that I had a choice of two routes...either a flat one, or I could try and climb the largest hill around here....yep, I "manned up" and took the second option. Sadly, I am still not fit enough to get right to the top, but managed to do the majority of the hill.... the last bit really ramps up so its something to work on eh.

The rest of the ride was fine, if a bit muddy and although I only managed to average 11.7mph, when you consider that I tried to climb the main hill and no doubt only did 5mph up it, the average was likely to be higher than it was recorded (not sure if that makes sense) if I had taken a flatter route.

So, how is the knee??? Well it was fine when I first came home but there are a few odd pains in it now and again. Don't really have time this week to go out on it again, so will get some more rest before trying it again next Sunday (if awake- I am gigging it this weekend! Yes, at my age!)

So the route:

Distance done: 30.33 To do....not sure but I don't think I am going to make it.

Height climbed: 934 feet

Average speed 11.7

Rollers: 3 miles Total done: 4 miles To do....forget

Average speed 13.5mph.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Back on the bike....

After Fridays ride, I was left, as you know good reader, with an extremely sore left knee. Well, it didnt want to be alone so the right one came out in sympathy leaving me unable to ride and indeed, in pain when trying to walk. So the only thing left to do was to rest it, use a cold compress and generally let it get better over time.

Well, today I finally decided that it was feeling better so used the bike on the rollers....after putting the seat up which is supposed to be good for bad knees.... but first, some news.

So, I've not been able to cycle so to carry on trying to get fit I used the weights a couple of time, including one session where I did reps of 15 kilo after two lots of 10kg reps... blimey, 15kg is hard in some excerises!

Oh...and I brought a treadmill.

Why on earth would I do that? Well, it would be nice to learn to run but first, perhaps I need to learn to walk fast first. So, off to Chesterfield (the same place I got the gym) and £90 later I have a powered machine which goes up to 6mph...that's certainly fast enough to get your heart beating!!! I used it this lunchtime getting doing 1 mile in around 14 minutes with a top speed of 5.2mph.... oh no.... I see more targets coming on!!!!

To make it a full work out, I did some more 10kg reps before heading onto the bike for a quick blast. Okay, it wasnt a long ride.....only 2 miles at an average of 13.4mph but it nice to get some movement in my legs.

So how are my knees? I'll let you know.

So, Rollers 2 do....loads

Average rollers speed 13.4mph

Treadmill: 1 mile. 14 mins.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Cheshire Cat 2010

Well finally, I have gone and done something silly.... or actually not that silly! I have gone and signed up for the above sportive due to take place on the 28th March 2010.

And before you ask, no, I have not signed up for the 60 and 100 mile rides which go up a 25% hill but for the shorter one which is "only" 45 miles or so. Well, its a start.


This (I think) is the route map:

Better get practicing!!!!

November Targets

Well, its that time of the month again...lets set some targets for me to fail!!!

Okay, Distance first...... its getting colder and wetter (well that's winter for you), so I don't expect I will be able to hit the road that often this month so best make the target achieveable....lets say 250 miles.

Average speed....I made 12.2mph last month and would like to improve on that. Lets say an average of 12.4mph.

Height climbed....never ever going to be a climber so lets just see if I can improve on last month and do at least two 1000 foot climbs and average more than 600 feet.

Rollers. I am not sure what to get this month. I did 88 miles last month so know a good distance is possible but don't want to spend too much time on them when I could be on the road. How about 70 miles this month?

Weight loss. Well, I would like to go from 258.8lb to 251.... 7lb which would take me to less than 18 stone for the first time in years. A tough target but possible (if I don't over eat!!!).

Going to start the month positive... GOING TO MAKE ALL OF THESE (perhaps).

October targets revisited

Well, its the first of the month so time to revisit the targets I set at the start of October.

They were:

Distance: As the nights are drawing in, I will have less chance to get out on the road so I am going to set this at 250 miles this month. Well due to injury and being lazy, I failed to achieve this target making only 212 miles this month...the worse I have done for a couple of months..... So, Fail.

Rollers: Given the above, I want to do at least 50 miles on these this month. Well, its a bit of a surprise but I made 88 miles month so not only achieved the target but beat it by miles! Achieved.

Height climbed: At least one 1500 ride and at least two more over 1000! Blimey, that's going to be hard. I would like an average ride of 750 feet. Came no where near doing this doing only one ride of over 1000 feet (by three foot!!!!) Must pull my finger out....So Failed!!! Average climb was 561 foot so again Fail.

Average speed.... I am crap at going fast and given the fact I want to do more climbing, I think an average of 12mph seems about right. Hummm.... I might be getting quicker...average 12.2mph. Achieved.

Average distance. Up a little from last month I think... how about 25 miles. Came close but again its a fail at 23.3miles. So Fail.

Weight loss. Down from 263 to 258lb. Just about achieved as I am 258.8lbs...lets say Achieved.

So, overall, still room for considerable improvement.

Friday, 30 October 2009


Ouch ouch ouch and what's more Ouch.

Am I in pain....what ever gives you that (ouch) idea??? Could it be (ouch) the fact I am sitting here with a cold compress on my kn (ouch) ee or (ouch) have I given you some sort of (ouch) verbal (ouch) clue?

Yes, you are right, I am in pain with my left knee. For some reason, it is hurting like buggery... might have something to do with the 23 mile ride I did at lunchtime.

The ride...well to be honest, I was going to try to climb some hills but bottled out of it at the end of the road and instead of turning left, turned right towards the flatter lands of Penkridge.... and then discovered how windy it is out there (current average speed 15mph). To be honest, I felt like giving up as it was like riding through something sticky. Anyway, I got to the turn and somehow found some energy and picked up the speed on the way back, so much so I was worried about getting caught by a mobile speed camera (as if! It was parked on the side of the last climb into Stafford.... I went past it doing 11mph although I climbed the hill without problems).

So in the end I am sort of pleased I went out, although sore....ouch

The route:

Done: 23.04 Total: 211.52 To do 38.48

Height climbed 505 Total: 5632

Average speed 12.6


Need to enter data into this but this might help reach my targets

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Anothe ride/Stafford Road Club

Well after doing next to nothing on the road this month, I went out this morning for the third morning running...and don't my knees know it!!!! The ride itself was okay if a little flat both in hills and in power: I doubt I averaged 12mph (forgot to check!). I did give up after about 10 miles as the sun was so low in the sky I couldnt really see where I was going and the road I was using was really muddy! (At least, I think it was mud).

The highlight of my ride however was bumping into the Stafford Road Club. A friendly bunch they seem and were more than happy for me to join in on their ride to RAF Cosford. However, they tend to do between 40 and 50 miles a ride (with an hours cafe break at the half way stage). Whilst I could manage the 12mph they say they average, I doubt I could do a 50 mile ride without much more practice! They do have a slow group which seems better tailored to me, so I left my number and hopefully they will get back to me.

The ride:

Done: 19.31 (not going to make my average distance target this month) Total 188.29 To do 61.71 (3 days until the end of the month....don't think I am going to make 250 miles)

Height climbed: 470 feet. Total 5118

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Jordan after a good servicing......

Well, she has had all her nuts tighted (blimey, the brakes are SHARP!) and the gears looked at so she was ready to cycle home this morning from Wolverhampton.

So, off I went noticing first of all how the taxi drivers in Wolverhampton don't seem to understand road markings...twat... and how bumpy cobbles are when you are doing down hill....almost made me wish I had an MTB.....hahahahahahahaha..... NOT! Anyway, a few quick peddle turns find me in the middle of Showell Road: or Shithole Road as the current wife calls it. Why am I mentioning it??? Well, some chav in a M reg BMW decided to shout at me as they overtook....shame for them that their car was so shit that I was able to stay behind them for the next few miles....wish I had had a D-Lock with me!!!!

I was surprised how quickly I made it to Cat & Kitten Lane and then on to the Stafford Road....confession here... I wimped out and used the cycle path rather than the main road...well its a duel carriage way witha 70mph speed limit! The surprised continued as I made it to Gailey (10 miles) in 44 minutes.

I past the hour at 13.0 miles....a good average that.

Well, one final climb into Stafford to face so I can try out the newly re-alined gears but quess what.... I made it up the hill (it used to KILL ME) using the middle ring at the front and 4th gear at the back.... most impressive for me!

My time home was 1.22minutes peddling with 1.28 being the overall time. I stopped only once for a drink at Gailey.

So the route:

Done: 17.11 Total 168.98 Todo: 81.02

Height climbed: 338 (yes, its flat!) Total 4648

Average speed....12.8mph

Monday, 26 October 2009

Servicing Jordan....

There must be a joke there somewhere..... Anyway, whilst I let your dirty mind work that one out, I rode to Wolverhampton this morning to have my new bike serviced.

Hummmm.... did I enjoy the ride? Well, not really... I struggled up Hyde Lea Bank as once again I could not get into my lowest gear... I did managed to get almost to the top in 3rd from bottom which is reasonably impressive. The rest of the ride to Penkridge was okay: I haven't been that way in a bit. Then I took the back road to Water Eaton which is single track and muddy most of the way. Interestingly, I never saw another car its whole 3 miles lenght. There were cars on the short bit of A5 I used. Thankfully they were friendly and no one tried to run me off the road.

Then it happened.... I got to the top of the hill on the Old Stafford Road only to discover I had lost my bike computer!!!! I doubled back on myself looking for it..... did I find it.... well actually I did which was lucky! So, I retraced my steps and soon (well not that soon) found myself on the outskirts of Wolverhampton.

Well, if you look at the map below you will note that its uphill most of the way into town...and cobbled for a bit which shook me up a bit.

So, Jordan is now having her nuts tighten (doesnt quite work that joke does it!). I got the bus home (the bus price has gone up 20% since I last used it about 8 months ago). I am collecting her all shinny and working perfect tomorrow morning.


Distance: 20.48 Total 151.87 To do: 98.13

Height climbed: 743 feet. Total for the month: 4310

Average speed..... (a bit shameful)...11.1mph.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

The shame.....

Sigh.... I said during my last post that I needed to get my finger out as I still had 118 miles to go to meet this months, how far did I do on the road this week.....18 miles...28 miles....50 miles....???????????????????????? Nope, sigh...none. Yes, that's right, the shame. I didn't do any miles on the road this week.

So, why was that then apart from the fat that I am a fat useless lump who couldn't get his arse into gear. Well, that's quite a good place to start but the weather and work had something to do with it. As did the fact that I brough a multigym and had great fun... I mean great fun putting it together. I mean the instructions said it would take about an hour... nearer to 5 hours all in all! Afterall, there were 303 pieces to fit together. The overall effect when done... interesting althogh even 5kg at the moment is quite hard in some exercises. I will see how well I get on. I do hope it increases my upper body toning which, to be honest, is very poor.

So, did I use Jordan at all? Well yes but on my rollers.

My first ride (Monday) was really rather disappointing as I wimped out after only 2miles. I mean, 2 miles!!! I could do that with my eyes closed and my arms tied behind my back.

On Tuesday I managed a longer ride but still not impressive: 6 miles in 34 mins. For some reason, my legs just didnt seem to want to work.

Sigh, bit depressed on Thursday with the lack of effort during the week so I thought.... (have they got a thinking icon..... nope, can't see one...sigh), why not see how far you can do in one day. So, at lunchtime I thought lets try a 45 minutes ride... achieved 7.4 miles at an average of 12.8 mph... not that impressive as I managed 6.8 miles in 30 mins last week but at start. Then before tea I did another 45 mins achieving 7.72 miles at 13.1mph. Finally, just before Corrie I nocked out a quick 5 miles making 20.52 miles for the day. I was a little sore at the end but pleased with the effort.

So...Saturday came... and went. Sigh. It rained on and off and sadly the boss found sufficient work for me to do to mean I didnt get a chance to go out on the bike. I did however do some time in the gym which was useful exercise.

Sunday then...come on, shirley (don't call me shirley)... I would get out for a ride, nope. This time I blame the boss for wanting me to go for a dog walk so that I could act as security. After that, it was gardening time and general cleaning. Oh, and once again it rained. I really do need to MTFU and learn to ride in the rain.

Instead, it was back on the rollers after a gym session for another 45 min ride. This time I managed a reasonably more impressive 8.11 miles at 13.4mph.

So... that's 36.63 miles on the rollers this week. So in total thats 87.04 miles on the rollers.

A quick post script... got to go out for a ride tomorrow as I have to take Jordan to the bike shop for a service.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Sunday cycle/Cold

Yes, it was both cold (2c) and I had a cold (or that sort of thing....felt tired and under the weather all day) so I really didnt feel like going out for a ride today (Sunday) but hey ho, I needed to as my weight loss seems to have stopped and without riding, I never lose anything.

So, off I went and yes, there is no power in the legs. So, answer me this comes I did 30 miles in a little over 2 hours 45 mins at an average of 12.1mph???? Can't work that one out.

The ride:

The traffic was light and behaved itself until the last but one corner when some twat decided he had to cut in front of me.... its beyond me to work out why he needed to do so and then pull up and get out 100 yards further on. Come on, if you had waited for me to pull out first you would have been delayed by what, a whole 2 seconds. Anyway, I did question whether he had a driving licence when I freewheeled by. Twat.

So: 30.46 miles. Total 131.39 To do 118.61 (better get my finger out...12 days before the end of the month!)

Height climbed: 703 feet. Total 3657

Average speed 12.1mph.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Tail wind.....

No, not a wind from behind, but had curry last night.... :-)

Well, I haven't been out on the road all week due to work and weather so as I am a little short of things to do at the moment (goes mad a bit next week) and the fact that I needed to go to the post box, I headed out for a cycle ride at lunchtime today.

So...given that I only had an hour or so, I decided to go out for a quick blast to see how fast I could go.... my average speed it somewhat disappointing at the moment to say the least.

So how did I get on? Well, I got to Penkridge (5.8 miles) in around 23 mins which is quite good and made it to 10 miles in around 43 mins which, again is quite reasonable. I did sort of hit the wall with the last climb back into town (its just about 20 yards too long) but was pleased when I pulled onto the drive to note the average speed achieved was 13.0mph! Pleased with that!

Done: 15.41 Total: 100.93 To do 149.07

Height: 384 Total 2954

Thursday, 15 October 2009

A bit of news....

Well, yesterday was my 48th birthday....happy birthday to me! Looking forward to this year as I have some plans.....

First to carry on losing weight. I would like to be near my target weight of less than 100kg by my next birthday....that's 15 stone 10....about 3 stone to go then. get as fit as my body will allow. To this end I have brought a multi gym for those days when cycling isn't enough. do at least one Time Trail and at least one Sportive...hopefully more.

Fourthly... To do the C2C ride in no more than a weekend....not sure if that's a long weekend, or the bog standard weekend..... I would like it to be the bog standard weekend but we will see.

Lastly (for now.... I might think of more later) do at least one 100 mile ride.

Shall I write FAIL now....or leave it until next year (hiding behind the sofa).

Roller round up

Well, Monday came and went and the weather/work wasn't friendly towards a ride on the road, so instead I decided to hit the rollers for another timed 30 min ride...well at least that was the plan but stupidly I did it just before tea which meant that quickly I ran out of blood sugar and had to stop after 4 miles which took a disappointing 22 minutes...sigh.

Tuesday and was lovely so did I go out for a cycle...did I hull, I was locked in a hotel with 8 women.... The weather was also nice on Wednesday but again, I had to share myself out between the team.... nevermind eh.

Come Thursday...guess what.... Yep, grey and miserable and rain....rain... rain....sigh. So once again I was resticted to the rollers but I decided its about time I really pushed myself over the timed runs....runs...yes, so far I have done two today.

The first one (at lunch time) achieved a distance of 6.34 miles with an average speed of 14.4 (top speed of 20.2), whilst the second one achieved a distance of..... 6.81 miles with an average speed of 14.7 miles.... A RECORD distance.

So, over the three ride: 17.15 Total done: 50.41....... Monthly Target Achieved!

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Sunday roller action.

As I couldn't get myself into gear today... bike related joke.... I decided to hit the rollers for another timed 30 minutes session. I do find that half an hour on the rollers is worth at least 90 minutes on the road and of course, no one but your SPD clips are trying to kill you.

So how did it go? Well, I am pleased to say I improved my best distance from 6.11 miles in 30 mins to 6.34 miles which included getting off the bike to turn the radio up.... I might have made 6.5 miles without that. Oh, and I did do about half a mile before I realised the computer wasnt recording properly so stopped and restarted it.

My average speed was not quite a good as the last record run at 14.8mph with a top speed of 20.2mph.

So pleased with the days work. I wonder if I can get over 7 miles in 30 minutes by the end of the month? Perhaps I should see what I can do in 45 minutes as well.

Done: 6.34 Total 33.26 To do 16.74


A bit of a rant over yesterdays ride....

Well, I decided to go and see a football game in the afternoon so picked Eccleshall V Norton United, a cup game in the North West League. I had never been there before and it looks like a reasonable fixture.

So, shall I rant about the fact that I didnt have any energy to start with so decided to take a short cut away from the large hills I wanted to climb to start with....nah.

Or about the fact that the bike wouldnt go into Grannie on the climb up out of Stone towards Yarnfield.... nope but I do need to get it fixed as I need that 30:25 gear!!!

Or the fact that I took the wrong turn and ended up going the long way to Eccleshall. No, not that.

Its not that fact also that despite priinting all the relevant maps for the ride but the one with the ground on. That's not worth a rant, its just plain stupid!

Or the fact that the game went to extra time meaning I had to cycle home in the semi dark.... I had lights on the bike so that wasnt much of a problem. (Norton won 3-1 aet by the way... a tight game which could have gone either way. A stupid decision at the end however to send a player off with 30 seconds to go).

It also wasnt a problem that I missed the turn for the back lanes home so ended up using the main road... traffic was light, not a problem.

No, none of that was a problem looking why the rant??? Well, I turned up just as the match kicked off, asked for one and a programme and the gate man tried to sell me a discounted admission ticket.... a pensioners ticket...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do I fecking look like a pensioner!!!!!

So, if that's what cycling does for you... I'm giving up!!!

The route:

Distance: 34.47 Total: 85.52 To do: 164.48

Height climbed: 1003 feet Total done: 2570

Friday, 9 October 2009

More Rollers and a Ride.

Well, given how good I felt on the rollers on Tuesday, I thought I would have another ride on Wednesday....sigh....not so good however this time as I only managed 5.28 miles in the timed 30 minutes. My average speed had also dropped to 12.5mph with a highest speed of 17.9 mph.

So....Roller total: 26.95. To do: 23.05 miles.

Come Thursday morning, I needed to go to the vets to collect some pills from the cat so, off I go for a twenty odd mile ride....oh the vets is only 1 mile away. The ride itself was fine although I was a little disappointed that I didnt manage to achieve 12 mph as an average (11.9mph...sigh) but found the hills reasonably easy for a change.... not that I climbed any real big ones.

The ride:

Distance: 22.45 Total done: 51.05. To do 198.95

Height climbed 547. Total climbed 1 467

Average speed....11.9mph...disappointing.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Timed roller ride 2

Looking back on this in say, six months, I wonder how impressed I will be. Not as impressed (and sore and hot and sweaty) as I am now.... Back then (or should it be forward then?) I bet I am superfit and think half an hour at top speed is, well a walk in the park (or something).

So why am I impressed? Well, as you will know I did 5.56miles in 30 mins on the rollers yesterday. Well today I improved the distance done to 6.11 miles in 30 mins. I think that's about a 10% increase in one day!!!! (okay, I know I will not be able to carry on at that rate of improvement).

My average speed also increased to 14.9mph and the highest speed done to 19.3mph.

Total then: 6.11. Total 21.67. To Do. 28.33

Monday, 5 October 2009

Timed roller ride.

I thought I would do something different today as I didnt really have much time to get a ride in. What was it I can hear you ask (actually, I need to get someone to test my head out as I know no one reads this, so that must be a voice in my head.....)? Well, I thought I would see how far I could go in a set time on my rollers.

Well the plan was to go for an hour as far and as fast as I could but...sigh, as with me, I could not last as long as I wanted so instead did 30 minutes.

The result??? Well, I did 5.56 miles in 30 minutes....that's 30 minutes without the clock stopping. My average speed was 13.7mph with a maximum speed of 17.6mph. Is that any good? I don't know. All I know is that I feel rather warm and happy.

Rollers this month: 15.56. To do 34.44

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Windy weekend!

Blimey, was it windy yesterday (3rd Oct)! With winds of up to 40mph I didnt head out for a long ride as planned...well I almost got blown off my bike when I went to the vets so instead I went on the rollers and did a record 10 miles in one go.

So, Rollers: 10 miles done. 40 miles to do.

The ride:

Distance: 2.74 To do: 247.26

Height Climbed: 116 feet.

Strangly when Sunday arrvied the weather was much better: dry if a little cold which gave me the chance to try out my new cycling jacket....blimey, it was warm: too warm after about 14 miles so I ended carrying it.

The ride itself was okay apart from the climb up to Portal Pool which was much harder than I remember (look for the large hill half way around the route). I went into Cannock along roads I used to use when I lived their, which was fun!

Managed the climb back into Hyde Lea reasonably well this time although was disappointed that the gears kept jumping. Will have to have that looked at.

Anyway, the route:

Distance: 25.82. Total 28.57

Height climbed: 804 Total: 920

Average speed. 11.7mph

October Targets

Just wondering whether I should actually set any targets this month as I have done so badly over the last few months making them.... oh go on then.

Distance: As the nights are drawing in, I will have less chance to get out on the road so I am going to set this at 250 miles this month.

Rollers: Given the above, I want to do at least 50 miles on these this month.

Height climbed: At least one 1500 ride and at least two more over 1000! Blimey, that's going to be hard. I would like an average ride of 750 feet.

Average speed.... I am crap at going fast and given the fact I want to do more climbing, I think an average of 12mph seems about right.

Average distance. Up a little from last month I think... how about 25 miles.

Weight loss. Down from 263 to 258lb.

Lets see how I get on with them eh..... bet I fail them all...sigh.

Sept targets revisited.

Okay, time to look back at the targets I set for Sept....

Well, distance…. Over the last couple of months I have gone up from 228 miles in July to 252 miles in August so perhaps another 10% increase seems in order. Target 280 miles. Done 305. Achieved.

Average speed… not sure if I have done this one before but lets set myself a target of 13.5 miles an hour for rides over 20 miles, unless they are very hilly. Currently I am averaging 12.5mph. Target 13.5mph Did: 11.5...failed.

Rollers…. Here is one where I don’t think I will set a target. Why you may ask…well I think I spent too long on them last month meaning I had to cram a lot of road work into the last week. I did 40 miles last month; lets see what I can do this month. 10 miles.

Weight loss…… Lets see if I can lose another 7lb. I am 269lb at the moment. Target 7lb. Now. 263. Lost 6 Fail.

Hills….. another target I missed last month… Sigh. So, at least a couple of 1 000 plus rides this month please. Target 1 000 foot plus rides. One 1000 ride. Failed.

Length….well, I would like to do at least a couple of 35 mile plus rides. I seem to be able to do 32 miles without a bother, so this must be possible….please. Target 35 mile plus ride. Longest ride 31 miles. Failed.

Finally, the average distance… I would like this to be over 22 miles. I failed last month but let’s see what I can do. Target Average 22 miles. Average achieved. 23.5. Achieved.

So, didnt achieve many of the targets set. Sigh. I am pleased the avarge is up and that I made the distance target but I must start doing more hills (climbed a total of 8800 feet this month). I went out for 13 rides and used the rollers twice.

The rides:

2nd Sept

5th Sept

7th Sept

11th sept

12th Sept

13th Sept

15th Sept

17th Sept

20th Sept

22nd Sept

25th Sept

27th Sept

29th Sept

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Silly moo....

No, not an Alf Garrent reference but the cows who stood and watched me cycle towards them earlier...have they never seen a fat bloke on a bike before???

Well, as I had only a few miles to go to make 300 this month, I decided to cycle to the Post Office... no, not the one a mile or so away, but the one in the next village...the long way. So, off as soon as it became light enough (7.30am!!!! I remember when I was young.......) and off down the Newport Road towards the disused railway line. Blimey... and I will say it again...blimey was I on fire or what as I did 25.9 on the flat! I made it to the track in only 7 minutes!

Well, this was the first and perhaps the last time I will use that track on Jordan as its bumpy as hell and really not suited for her. When you get over the rough start to the track, the surface turns to ash which grips like a grippy thing.

After a few miles I finally made my mind up to go follow the path to Gnosall and then, perhaps climb the main hill the other side of town before heading to the Post Office. Well that was the plan but the above mentioned cows had other ideas as they took ages to cross the track from their milking pallor to the field. Sigh. I got fed up of waiting so turned around and thought I would go by road instead.

You know the best laid plans etc...well it would have helped if I had had a map on me as I got lost and ended up in Ranton instead of Gnosall.... basically the wrong direction. So, double back on myself time and as the Post Office wasn't due to open for half an hour, I thought I would see if the cows had gone... they hadn't.

Anyway, after dropping my package off at the Post Office I headed back via the road out of Derrington....its becoming easier and back over Mount King Cod which didn't even need changing down for.

The route:

Distance: 20.08. Total 305.75

Height Climbed: 457. Total 8898

Average speed: 11.8mph

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Some people

are just out to make a ride as unpleasant as possible. Take the arsehole in the Cleo who shouted abuse at me when I am turning right as I dont have my arm out, I am in a right turn only lane...where the fuck do you think I am going????? Get a proper car, learn some manners and feck off and die. Horribily.

Then, about 2 miles later I am doing about 15 along a single track road when I see a long streak of p*ss on a sh*t bike doing about 5 miles an hour along side a women jogging.... I slow down and think I wont overtake as my right turn is just beyond then...well they move to the left so must be turning left f*ck. the f*cking moron swings right straight into my path. I manage to stop...she says sorry...he just says "where is your bell????!!!!" I decided I had two choices...remove his teeth and place them in the bag with my bell, or call him a moron and cycle on.

Then, at the Queensway roundabout...the traffic into town is stopped so I am let onto the roundabout to turn right... a f*cking moron women in some sh*t lump of green crap decides that as the traffic going the other way has stopped, there is no need to check to see if anyone is on the roundabout before she joins it....and promptly misses me by about 3 foot... Its lucky I think everybody who drives a car is a complete and utter tosser so had slowed down enough to break. Oh, and she didnt even see me when I waived at her or shouted abuse at her at the next set of lights.

Oh, and its not fair that I did 25 foot less than 1 000. Oh, failed to climb the main hill. Still not fit enough. Oh and my foot still hurts.

Distance: 21.16 Total 285.67

Height climbed 962 total 8441

Average speed....hilly so only 11mph.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Foot revisited.

Well after a couple of days not being able to walk due to this sore foot (points to left foot), I finally braved Jordan again and went out for a quick (well, slow actually) ride.

Generally, the foot hurt at times: mostly on hills but as long as I unclipped now and again just to rest it, I survied the ride. Shamed to say however that my average speed at 11.8 wasnt that impressive. Sigh...when will I start riding at 13+?

Better was the climb up to Coppenhill as I at least had sufficient breath to say "hi" to the young lady on a road bike going the other way.

So....ride: 24.75 miles: Total done 264.51 To do: 14.59

Height climbed: 643 Total 7479

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Sore foot left foot is painful still.... indeed, so much so I even took some painkillers before I went out for a ride today. Its bruised without really being bruised so hurts everytime I put my foot down...sigh.

Anyway, after adding some padding to my cycling shoes, I set off for a shortish ride...well that was the plan and after struggling for a few miles, I decided it was time to go home. However, after cycling for a few miles unclipped I thought why not carry on for a bit and thus, I ended up on the New Penkridge Road near Cannock.

Well, it did cross my mind that it would be worth cycling over the hill at Huntingdon and down to were we used to live but given my foot problem I decided it would be better to leave it until Sunday. Instead, I doubled back on myself and back to Penkridge along the country lanes which few cars seem to be aware of.

Oh, it was a bit of a shock a few miles from home when, whilst going up a hill, I was overtaken by a funeral car....empty....waiting for me perhaps???

The route:

Distance: 25.01. Total for the month: 239.76 To do. 40.24

Height climbed: 576. Total for the month: 6836

Average speed (it was very windy) 12mph.

Monday, 21 September 2009

Weekend cycle report

A quick note regarding my weekend cycling then....

Well, Friday was spent trying Jordan out on the rollers and after a few problems clipping in and out a quick 5 miles was knocked out at an average of 15mph....strange how much quicker I am on rollers than on the road! I guess where are less inclines to bother with and no wind.

I think that 10 miles on the rollers this month overall.

On Saturday it was off down to London to see the Pro's do it during the final stage of the Tour of Britain. Some action but as with all crits, the race is normally settled in the last few hundred yards. I do wish the track had been shorter than the 8 miles or so so we would have seen more of the racing.

Yesterday...sunday... took me quite a bit of time to get the "get up and go" up to head out but I was pleased when I did as, for a change, things went well for me with a 10 mile time of 45 minutes or there abouts. The next 10 also took 45 minutes which I was very pleased about. I climbed the last hill into town on the road for the first time ever and "sprinted" up the back road at over 18mph! Oh...and this made me smile, I got wolf whisled when I climbed the last short hill by two young women.... yes yes, they were from the blind school no doubt.

The route:

Distance: 23.75. Total 214.75 To do: 65.25

Height climbed: 544 Total 6260

Average speed 13.1

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Jordan part 3

Oh dear; oh dear; oh dear.

Todays ride, to say the least, was an unimpressive one. A right struggle actually.

The route was not that difficult and one I had done many times before, including the climb up Hyde Lea Bank but I just could not get any speed up; although it was better for me than for the old bloke laying in the road in Penkridge (outside Ian's Tackle....its a fishing shop) who had just been hit by a van. Luckily for him (if someone who has been hit by a van can be lucky) the first people on site were an army medic and the district nurse. I left them get on with it...nice pool of blood on the floor for someone to clear up however.

My loop around the backroads towards Cannock were not that impressive also, although coming backtowards Penkridge was slightly better.

Coming back home I decided to go via Acton Trussell and then over the railway bridge/ climb into Stafford; both were done without too much of a struggle, although my legs still weren't feeling good. Sigh.

So, a flat sort of ride (must check the tyres again) which I didnt really enjoy.

Distance: 20.14 Total 191.00 To do 89 miles....looks like I will made the target this month :-)

Height climbed: 556 Total 5716

Average speed: 11.4mph... unimpressive.

Fit young men in lyrca.

No, not a dream but the Tour of Britain. Yes, the TofB came close to Stafford yesterday so off out I went to watch the riders fly by and when I say fly by... blimey!

First off to Stone to watch the sprint point...strange place to have the spint on the road into town: I thoughtit would have been better if they had held it in the market street like they did last year during the Circuit De Stone.

My plan after that was to head to Gun Hill but looking at the map I didnt think I would make it in time, so instead I parked on the hill just outside Leek. Now I know this hill having driven up it a few times so thought it would be vantage point: oh, and its a Cat 3 hill. Well, the riders came flying up the hill about as fast as I can drive it making the hill look like the Somerset Flat Lands!

A quick drive into Stoke (following the British Cycle Team support car the whole way) for the finish: blimey I didnt realise how much a drop down from Cellarheads into Stoke it is! I would not like to climb that on a bike. The finish itself was quickly over with the tour leader outsprinting everyone to the line: blimey, its an impressive uphill finish which I would struggle to do not racing.

Overall, an enjoyable day out, although Stoke on Trent is a bit of a pit.

Riding Jordan 2

Well went out for a ride on Jordan for the second time on Tuesday it was better than the first ride, due in part to the fact that I pumped the tyres up first! I was somewhat disappointed to discover that they were only at 60psi.

The route was a reasonable one and surprisingly, despite not trying I made it to 10 miles in "only" 47 minutes. Whilst that isn't the quickest I have ever done the distance, it is certainly an improvement over the first ride I did on her. The second 10 miles took me along a quiet but quite wide country road down towards the A5 and then over to Four Ashes. The road from there to Cannock is quite busy but certainly not difficult.

Whilst I was enjoying the ride, there is always one arsehole who makes things difficult for you...this time it was a twat in a small lorry who thought it fun to overtake me on a 90 degree bend which was just wide enough for him and me. I did laugh seconds later when the twat had to head into some bushes to avoid an oncoming car. The car driver was not impressed either!

The last 10 miles were a bit of a drag but then the last four are mostly uphill including a 250 climb: I made it up the last 10% hill into Coppenhill without stopping so I must be getting fitter.... I must.

Overall, 31 miles... not bad.

Distance: 31.53. Total 170.86 To do. 109.14

Height climbed: 843 Total 5160

Average. Around 11.5 mph...did slow down over the last few miles worse luck.

Monday, 14 September 2009


Went on for my first proper ride ever on my new bike "Jordan" yesterday....why Jordan??? Well, according to the current wife, the new bike is curvy and has plastic up front (the forks are carbon). The name seems to suit.

Anyway, up at half six so I can get out before the traffic picks up and out just after 7.30 only to find that there was thick fog on the main road out of town and all way to Penkridge. Sigh. As to the, this bike isn't that fast. It took me 31 minutes to do the 5.8miles against 21 minutes I did it the other day on the

I suppose it takes a bit of time to get used to a bike: a few things I noticed while out on the ride...

The gears....there are too many! 27 gears means that quite a few gears are only one or two teeth apart so to change to a suitable gear takes quite a few clicks.

The gears pt 2.... disappointingly, they seem to jump quite a bit which really they shouldnt do.

The granny... it might be 30:25 but was still a struggle getting up the hill into Coppenhill. Sigh. I thought it would be easier.

On the plus side...the bike fits me a lot better than the BSO and was a lot more comfortable to ride: I like the handlebars.

The second part of the ride was better than the first, although I did have my first unclipping moment when faced with a car coming towards me on a single track road, I forgot to do so...doh! Luckily I managed to get my right foot out so didnt go over.

Well the new bike didn't turn me into a pro.... I am still a fat bloke on a bike, but this time on a nicer bike. I am sure I will get used to it and it will increase my fitness and speed.

The route:

Distance: 28.45 Total 139.33 To Do. 140.67

Height: 754 Total 4317

Average speed 11.2mph.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Add swear words here.

Well as the new bike isn't currently usable, I headed out on the good old BSO for a reasonable ride...perhaps 25 miles?

As I needed to go to the Vets on the way back, I headed out towards Stone along what will be the new cycle route but instead of climbing Yartley Bank like the other day, I decided to go down hill and then along to Salt and Weston.... a nice ride...well it was until I had a visit from the Pun*****re F******..... if I get hold of here, I will remove her wings and eat them.... grrrr.

So, after trying and failing to fix the tyre, a walk home was required meaning that a nice ride was ruined really.


Distance: 21.36. Total 110.88 To do: 169.12

Height climbed: 625. Total: 2563

Average speed: 11.5 approx.

New Bike...

Well the new bike is here and looking pretty....shame I can't use it currently (as of Thursday)...

Why you may ask...well, stupidly I let the bloke in the shop talk me into buying some SPD pedals... not a problem as I can attach them to the shoes I have....or should be able to but not really knowing what I am doing , I failed to tighten the cleats sufficiently and ended up breaking on of the cleats trying to get my foot out. Sigh.

Nevermind, I have ordered some new cleats and some new shoes (with carbon soles and only £35) so as soon as they arrive, I'll be off like a rat up a drain pipe.
Dear Mrs School Run Mum

I really appreciate that your “Little Johnny” has done well getting a place in the Grammar School and of course he is far, far too important to walk home, or indeed take one of the many many coaches the school lays on to taken the gifted ones home but, please, be aware of what you are doing when pulling across oncoming traffic. I know for certain that my grand children would one day like to meet me. So, next time a fat bloke on a bike is coming down a 5% hill at about 20mph, please consider:

1) Whether instead of looking at the space which has just opened up on the school drive, its worth peaking up the road to see if anyone is coming down the lane you are about to cross.

2) Whether the fat bloke on the bike who has just shouted “Wwwwwwoooooohhh!!!! “ at the top of his voice and who is now going sideways on this bike trying to control a slide is actually talking to you.

3) Whether “little Johnny” would be better off walking to school or getting one of the coaches. I assume you would have had your excuses ready if said fat bloke had ploughed straight into the side of your car. I understand that: “Sorry Mate, I did not see you” and “you should be wearing a helmet” are acceptable in such cases.

Please consider yourself lucky that said fat bloke has much more sense than you and had seen you and worked out that you were likely to be unaware of your surroundings; locked in a grey tin box as you are and had slowed to around 10mph. He will live to see another day where as, you and “little Johnny” are in incredible danger every time you spend more than a few moments together in a car.

Perhaps, next time you may not be as lucky.


Fat Bloke on a bike


Distance: 21.09 Total 89.52 To go: 191.48

Height climbed: 593 Total: 2838

Monday, 7 September 2009

New cycle route

I was reading in the minutes of the Cycle Working Group…a council group whose job is to encourage cycling…yes, you would never have guessed it… that “they” are building a cycle route from Stafford to Stone along three country roads instead of along the canal as was first planned…so guess what, I decided to see what the roads were like; especially as it would allow me to try Yartley Bank…gulp.

Well, up I got at 5.45am thinking the sun would be up by then…but no, it was having a lay in. Oh, and thanks Mr Weatherman…it rained when you said it wouldn’t so I got wet! Finally, around half six it was light enough to go out, even with lights on my bike, so off I went along the disused railway line to RAF Stafford (or is it MOD Stafford now???). From there, the new route goes along Marston Road, turns right and then left. Overall, a nice ride with only two lorries and one car to take into account. The new route ends about a mile from Stone and according to the council minutes, the town will be accessed by a duel pavement/cycle path.

After a quick drink it was back up Yartley Bank…..I used to be worried about that hill but I did it without stopping. I make is a 95 foot climb at 2.9%. not over impressive but certainly more than I could do a couple of weeks ago.

When I finally got back into Stafford, I realised why I tend to cycle on country roads…the traffic with people going to work/ dropping brats off to school was terrible, as was the standard of driving. Sigh. I don’t ask for much but it would be nice if my grandchildren (!) could meet me one day.

Anyway, this is the route:

Total distance 17.98 Total 68.43. 211.57 to go

Height climbed 522 feet Total 2245

Average speed (approx as I went to Tescos where the cycle computer goes mad) 11mph.


Well, despite the day being quite nice weather wise, Alfie cat kept me awake most of the night with his moaning, so I didn't feel like a ride in the morning. Sadly, when I did feel like a ride, the lawn needed mowing and we just had to take a trip to the DIY shops to buy her some plant pots. Sigh

Anyway, come the evening, I managed to do a quick 5 miles on the rollers averaging 12.5mph.

So: Rollers 5 miles. Total 5 miles.


Just discovered my new bike has arrived in the shop and will be collectable from Thursday!!!!!

The sad news... the current wife insists that I get rid of some of the bikes I don't use, so off down the recycling bike centre with them...sigh...A man needs as many bikes as he can get his hands on...he does...honest.

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Newport and back

Not really had much chance to go out on the bike this week, what with work, wind and a general feeling of tiredness but hey ho, its Saturday, the sun was shining and the wind had dropped.

The plan…to cycle to Newport Shropshire and back doing as much climbing as I could. I know, I know, I am not that good on hills but unless I practice I will never improve.

So, off I go up Mont King Cod (which strangely didn’t seem that bad) and then over the back road to Bradley. Now, it’s the sort of road which can’t be called flat and indeed, within about 5 miles I must have climbed over 300 foot. Past Church Aston my knowledge of the road ended, but I had remembered to bring maps which were useful: the road continued to be “lumpy” but nothing I couldn’t handle.

So, after 14 miles or so, I arrive in Newport, find Greggs the bakers and get myself a donut…yes, yes, diet and all that but I think I deserved one….and very nice it was too.

I went a slightly different way back on my return heading up and over what seemed to be quite a major climb on the way back to Gnosall. However, strangely it didn’t seem that much of a bother and soon I was descending down to Gnosall at 28mph.

At Gnosall I picked up the disused railway line…. I had to laugh watching two women climb along the farm gate to save themselves from walking through the puddle of cow shit which covers the path at one point. A little further along the path, I saw an eagle (?) carrying away a fully grown rabbit. Luckily for the rabbit, the eagle dropped it so didn’t end up as bird lunch.

Once back in Stafford instead of heading straight back, I decided to try to climb the bank up past the castle and then head down the Westway….well I was trying to make 30 miles but sadly failed by half a mile.

The route:

Did 29.49 Total 50.45 To do: 229.55

Height climbed: 1090 Total: 1723

Average speed: 11mph

Wednesday, 2 September 2009


Blimey, it was cold out there this morning!! So much so, I went out with my coat and trackie bottoms on! I wonder how I am going to cope when winter actually arrives.

The ride… well I did Hyde Lea Bank to start the ride; something which is coming a little easier than it was a couple of months ago, while the rest of the ride to Penkridge was okay. Its quite hilly that way so takes a bit longer than the other three more direct routes but was achieved in 31 mins.

After a quick ride through Penkridge I ended up on the back road towards Cannock…strangely however after 10 miles I was feeling horrible and sore: my back was hurting and I couldn’t get my soft bits comfortable (add blush here).

The next couple of miles are along a slightly sloping road which wasn’t that much of an effort…its strange how giving yourself a good talking too when you want to give up helps! Then the horror of the “main” road back to Penkridge. Sigh.

Now the road is mostly down hill so its not difficult to average 18mph or more but blimey, its busier than I am used to. Can’t say I enjoyed it. The rest of the ride back was over well known routes so aren’t worth telling you about.

The route:

So: Done 20.96 To Do: 259.04

Height climbed: 633 feet

Average speed 12.0 mph.

September Targets.

After achieving only three of the six targets I sent last month…sigh, I was wondering whether I should be less ambitious? Should I just not bother setting targets and get on with riding? There is some benefit from this but, knowing me, I will not bother so lets set some eh.

Well, distance…. Over the last couple of months I have gone up from 228 miles in July to 252 miles in August so perhaps another 10% increase seems in order. Target 280 miles.

Average speed… not sure if I have done this one before but lets set myself a target of 13.5 miles an hour for rides over 20 miles, unless they are very hilly. Currently I am averaging 12.5mph. Target 13.5mph

Rollers…. Here is one where I don’t think I will set a target. Why you may ask…well I think I spent too long on them last month meaning I had to cram a lot of road work into the last week. I did 40 miles last month; lets see what I can do this month.

Weight loss…… Lets see if I can lose another 7lb. I am 269lb at the moment. Target 7lb.

Hills….. another target I missed last month… Sigh. So, at least a couple of 1 000 plus rides this month please. Target 1 000 foot plus rides.

Length….well, I would like to do at least a couple of 35 mile plus rides. I seem to be able to do 32 miles without a bother, so this must be possible….please. Target 35 mile plus ride.

Finally, the average distance… I would like this to be over 22 miles. I failed last month but let’s see what I can do. Target Average 22 miles.

Monday, 31 August 2009

August Targets.... result.....

Well, I set myself the following as targets for August…

Road miles 250.miles ……………… Done 252.19 miles Achieved
Roller miles 40 miles.………………. Done. 40 miles Achieved
One 35 mile ride………………………………................................. Failed
1 000 foot climb………………………………..................................Failed
Average ride 22miles…………………Done 19.1.………………… Failed
Weight loss…29lb……………………Lost 29.8.…………………..Achieved

So…. 3 out of six achieved. Not going to put myself down for that as I am much stronger than I was at the start of the month and with a little luck and some better planning, I could have achieved what I set out to do.


Ruddy Hull! Its windy out there…!!! I have just checked and the wind is gusting up to 30mph with an average of 19.9mph!

Now normally I would wimp out and stay in but I needed to do another 9 miles or so to met my target for the month… bugger the broken chain a few weeks back as if that had stayed in tact, I would have made the distance without any bother: sigh.

Anyway, much against my better judgement but with the view in mind that if I didn’t go, I would waste all the effort I put in over the last week: remind me to do more road work over the month rather than just leaving it to the last week as I did this time. D’oh.

The route was quite basic really with the climb up Radford Bank thrown in for fun…if you can call it fun. At times it was difficult making headway against the wind; especially the “climb” out of town back from Tescos with yet more cat food.

My average speed, unsurprisingly was down a bit on what I have been achiving recently at 11.4mph.


The additional 10.7 miles makes a grand total of 252. 19 this month…target achieved… phew.