Wednesday 9 December 2009

Post number 100....

This is the 100th post I have, er, posted since I started cycling again full time in May.. that's about two posts every three days or so. Sorry.

Anything to report....well managed to head out for a quick blast over lunch: well I needed to go to town to get some train tickets and thus, took the oppotunity to head for a quick ride as well. Oh, quick question, why did the silly women in the crap Nissan decide she needed to overtake me just before turning left? No sense moron.

The new tyre on the bike seemed to hold up well (its not actually a new tyre) and indeed, it seemed to be quicker than the old tyre. So much so that no one on the road (on a bike of course) could stand my QUAD POWER and were sent to dust as I flew past.... There are some crap BSO's out there which wobble along at 5 mph. I could not stand to go that slow. In fact, I don't think I could go that slow if I tried!!!!

Blimey.... what a snob I have become. I need to remember that while I am quicker than the "average" BSO rider, up against the fit young men in lyrca ( young men in lyrca....) I am sssssslllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, with a capital S. Nevermind, a few more months and a couple more stone lost and I will be up there with them (Hummmm... not sure about that but it would be nice to get to a stage where I average 14mph or more per ride).

Back to the ride.... nothing much to report apart from that really. The route is below:

So that's 14.31 miles making a total of 75.01 this month.

Height climbed: 387 feet making a total of 1946 for this month.

Average speed. 12.8mph (getting better)

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